Newsletter GAUSS Career Service

Information for Postdocs and late-stage PhDs

Certificate “Teaching and Learning in Higher Education” (apply by 19 March 2025)

The Hochschuldidaktik team of Göttingen University is again offereing their Teaching and Learning in higher education certificate programme for all researchers with teaching duties.

The course language is German, but written assignments can be in English and there is a supportive atmosphere between participants, plus the trainers speak English and are happy to translate where needed.

Training includes basic theories of academic and adult teaching and learning, communicating, presenting, assessing and advising. The qualification can be used in applications for academic positions to show teaching skills. There is a cost of €600 which, in certain circumstances, can be covered by faculty or other funds. 

Register here or contact the Hochschuldidaktik-Team.

Deadline to apply: 19 March 2025