GAUSS Career Workshop: “Career Development Strategies: From Deciding What’s Next to Getting Hired” (9-10 Dec 2024)

We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service workshop “Career Development Strategies: From Deciding What’s Next to Getting Hired” by Dr. Alexander Britz.
Are you currently working as Postdoc or finalizing your PhD? Do you plan to transition to your next position in or outside of academia, but feel unprepared for the job hunt? In this highly interactive workshop, you will get a comprehensive set of career development strategies which will help you master this process. You will learn to decide what your next career step should be and how to be effective in the application process including compiling a convincing application and mastering the job interview.
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 9-10 December 2024
Duration: 2 full days, 9-17h
Location: in-person on North campus
Trainer: Dr. Alexander Britz
Registration: Please register here and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Read more: GAUSS Career Workshop: “Career Development Strategies: From Deciding What’s Next to Getting Hired” (9-10 Dec 2024)Workshop description:
The workshop begins with a self-guided introspection, where participants assess their personal values, interests, and learning objectives. You will also identify your unique strengths, skills, and personality traits. Using this information, you will set short- and long-term career goals, which are then implemented into a comprehensive career development plan.
You will discuss efficient job searching strategies including effective self-presentation and networking, gather the characteristics of a convincing motivation or cover letter as well as of a CV and how to align these with our career aspirations. You will implement these into your application documents and use the power of peer-to-peer feedback to optimize further.
Building on the introspection, you will train general presentation skills to sell yourself in a job interview and further discuss what to expect from job interviews in general and compile a list of dos and don’ts. You will learn how to prepare to answer standard and non-standard questions and we will practice easy-to-use storytelling techniques for these situations.