Online Career Fair of the Federal Foreign Office (30 Jan 2025)
On 30 January 2025, the Federal Foreign Office will host the 20th International Organizations Career Fair in the online format. In the event you can find out about activities and career opportunities in direct contact with representatives of around 60 organizations and institutions at virtual exhibition stands, in panels, in live discussion forums and other formats. Participation is free of charge. To register click here.
Without international organizations and European institutions, we cannot succeed in shaping our future. Our globally networked country depends on international organizations that are able to effectively tackle the challenges of the present. The Federal Government wants to play an active role in shaping this – also with highly qualified employees from Germany. Whether political science or economics, law, engineering and cultural studies, architecture, computer science, chemistry, meteorology, physics, forestry and agriculture, medicine and many other fields: The career opportunities are as diverse as the organizations themselves. International organizations and European institutions offer career opportunities all year round. You can find current vacancies with an individual search function on the portal