KlarText Award, Klaus Tschira Stiftung (apply by 28 Feb 2025)

Have you written an outstanding dissertation and are you very keen to explain your research findings in a clear and comprehensible manner to a large number of people, including those not familiar with your subject? Then write an article about your work and enter it into the competition for the KlarText Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation.
Through this prize, the Klaus Tschira Stiftung recognizes young researchers who explain their research results in a comprehensible manner in a popular science article in German. The call will close on 28 February 2025.
Application requirements include:
- Applicants who have completed their doctorate with very good results in the previous two years in the fields of biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, neurosciences or physics;
- Doctoral graduates in related subjects, for example biophysics, geoinformatics or neuropsychology, can also apply. However, it is important that the text can be assigned to one of the seven subject areas;
- Entry must be written in German;
- Neither the nationality of the entrants nor the location of the university at which they acquired their PhD is taken into account.
Form of funding: The best articles are each awarded a prize of 7,500€ and published in the popular science magazine KlarText – a supplement of DIE ZEIT. All entrants, including those who do not win, can take part in a two-day workshop on communicating science.
The closing date for applications is 28 February 2025.
Application information as well as terms and conditions of entry can be found here (only available in German). The application portal is accessible via this link.