Funding support for women in science with children – apply to the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation (apply by 30 Nov 2024)

The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (CNV) Foundation is aiming for the advancement of science and to facilitate the progress of highly qualified women with children. Excellent graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by providing them with funds to be used for additional childcare and domestic help (1 year, monthly 400 €). The Foundation intends this contribution to enable young mothers to gain greater flexibility and time for their scientific work and thereby to contribute to advance more highly qualified women in Germany’s leading scientific research.
Detailed information can be found on their webpage.
Read more: Funding support for women in science with children – apply to the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation (apply by 30 Nov 2024)Who is eligible?
The grants are aimed at excellent women scientists in the field of experimental natural sciences. The CNV-Foundation sponsors graduate students from the start of the second year of their thesis and as long as the project is still in its experimental stage. With postdoctoral fellows we are particularly keen to support those who have changed their area of research after their doctoral studies. Funding to continue research in the area of your doctoral research project will require particularly compelling reasons stated in your cover letter.
Eligible to apply are graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of all nationalities, who are conducting their research at a university or research institute in Germany, as well as postdoctoral fellows who have obtained their doctoral degree at a German university and continue their research abroad.
The stipend is not intended to cover the living expenses of the applicant and her family. These must already be covered from other sources. It is expected that during the funding period the applicant work full time and full time daycare is already provided for and finance.
How to apply?
The application deadline is on 30 Nov 2024. The application and references can be written in English as well as in German language. The application can only be submitted via the application portal. Application links for PhDs and Postdocs.
What is the selection procedure?
Applicants who have been shortlisted based on their written applications will be invited to an interview. The interview will take place approximately 10 to 12 weeks after the application deadline. All applicants will be informed on the results the week following the interviews.
What does the grant include?
The funding amounts to 400 Euro per month and is granted for one year. This financial assistance will be given for help reduce the amount of time spent with household tasks and for additional childcare in order to increase the time used for scientific research.