Newsletter GAUSS Career Service

Information for Postdocs and late-stage PhDs

FAIR Data and Software Award Lower Saxony (submit entries by 4 Aug 2024)

The FDM-NDS is announcing the FAIR Data and Software Award Lower Saxony 2024 for the first time! This is your chance for recognition and a prize of €3,000!

Published datasets and software that adhere to the FAIR principles or the FAIR4ResearchSoftware principles can be entered in the competition.

The deadline to submit entries is 4 August 2024!


Read more: FAIR Data and Software Award Lower Saxony (submit entries by 4 Aug 2024)

Submissions of publications can be made by all scientists who are members or affiliates of a university in Lower Saxony or who work at a non-university research institution in Lower Saxony. Submissions from all disciplines are welcome! Use this chance to show your outstanding data and software projects!

More information about the award and the participation conditions can be found on our website:

If you have any questions, please contact the FDM-NDS Team at