EuroSTEMPeers 2024 in Heidelberg (29 June 2024)

On 28-29 June 2024, the conference EuroSTEMPeers 2024 will take place in Heidelberg . This event is oraganized by the European chapter of an NGO called STEMPeers, which enables STEM graduates to access a global network of STEM professionals for mentoring, empowerment, growth and support in their professional careers.
This is an opportunity to explore career options outside of academia and focus on other highly relevant topics such as empowerment, upskilling, understanding core strengths, and discussing key issues like mental health.
Read more: EuroSTEMPeers 2024 in Heidelberg (29 June 2024)Tentative Agenda:
28th June 2024: Pre-Conference Networking (15:00-18:00h)
- Short Introductory Talks
- Networking
29th June 2024: Conference Day (9:00h-18:00h)
- Introduction – EuroSTEMPeers and BioLabs
- Panel Discussions/Workshops in Pharma and other topics:
- Scientists Across Various Roles: Scientists across academia, industry, and other fields, transitioning back to academia from industry
- Negotiations: Salary negotiations during early and mid-career, negotiations with investors
- Design Thinking: How to bring innovative solutions to end-users’ problems Empathize, Design, Ideate, Prototype, and Test
- Mental Health: Tools for dealing with stress, burnout, identity crisis during transitioning
- Short talks on career transitions
- BioLabs Tour
- Networking breaks
- and more…
If you are interested in further details or sponsoring this event, please contact