Career Counseling Sessions including CV/application check

It is very common to be unsure about your next career step either at the end of your PhD or also during your postdoc phase. Our goal is to facilitate your career planning and assist you in handling challenges in your current work environment. We are aiming to enable you to reflect on your options and decide about your next career steps or activities to overcome challenges. If you want to discuss different topics, including CV and application checks, – no matter if you are pursuing a career inside or outside of academia – then contact us via email and book your slot today!
As a postdoc and late-stage PhD student you are often facing difficult decisions in your professional life. Uncertainties concerning career orientation and a lack of knowledge about career opportunities inside and outside of academia are very common. Many parameters need to be considered, not only in your professional but also your personal life when choosing a career path and knowing your options is important to make a well-informed decision.

We offer advice in all career-related issues, such as
- Identifying career and job opportunities (inside and outside of academia),
- Clarification about career goals based on your individual skills set and interests,
- Reflecting your individual career plans,
- Developing strategies to achieve your career goals,
- Applying for academic and non-academic jobs (including CV check),
- Using social media for career-related issues and social networking,
- Dealing with work-related challenges.
Please contact the GAUSS Career Service to arrange an appointment. All the information you share during these sessions are kept strictly confidential.
I am looking forward to meeting you!
Stefanie Klug