Postdoctoral Position at UMG by Dorothea Schlözer Postdoctoral Program for female scientists (apply by 1 April 2024)

The Dorothea Schlözer postdoctoral programme for women is addressed to female scientists and scholars in their early postdoctoral phase and is intended to promote female scientists and scholars on their way to a leading position in science. It replaced the Dorothea Schlözer scholarship programme in 2017.
As part of the programme, the university offers one position for female postdocs at the University Medical Center (UMG) in 2024 (TV-L 13, 100%, 2 years). Those eligible to apply are female postdocs who are planning to conduct or are already conducting a research project at the Georg-August-University (including the University Medical Center).
Application deadline is 1 April 2024. The position starts on 1 October 2024.
For further details see