Online Info Event for Women: Professorship at HAW (14 Mar 2024)

In the coming years, a whole series of open positions for professorships will be advertised at universities of applied sciences (HAW). To date, only a quarter of professorships at HAWs in Germany are held by women. Many female academics are not aware of the career path of a university professorship.
The upcoming online information event will inform you about specifics of the job profile and the general conditions and requirements for an appointment as a professor at a university of applied sciences.
This event will be held in German. The target group are female professionals, postdocs, PhD students, students of all subjects, other interested parties
- 19:00h – Opening and welcome
- 19:10h – Input “Professorin an einer Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften: Berufsbild, Voraussetzungen und Bewerbungsprozess” (Prof. Dr. Sabine Iffert and HAWK appointments officer)
- 19:50h- “Berichte aus der Praxis”- Virtual meeting with female HAWK professors in subject-specific breakout sessions:
- Architecture, Building and Conservation
- Design
- Economics, Management, Forestry
- Engineering and natural sciences
- Health and therapy sciences
- Social and educational sciences
- 20:25h – Summary and conclusion in plenary session