Are you part of the Göttingen Campus Postdoc community and do you meet our definition of a Postdoc? Then we are looking for your ideas, input, and energy to make the Göttingen Campus a better place for Postdocs. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2025.
As a committee member, you will benefit from:
- directly influencing the events and activities of the Postdoc Network
- meeting postdocs from across the Campus
- getting experience in committee work
- gaining a
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The virtual Lunch Talk Series on Improving Research Culture organized by the German Postdoc Network will host an online talk on the topic “Power Abuse in Academia: Responses and Prevention” on 26 March 2025, 13-14h.
Prof. Daniel Leising from TU Dresden will examine the factors that permit or promote misconduct, … Continued
Career Workshops and Events
After many requests reached us concerning this topic, the GAUSS Career Service is offering for the first time the workshop “Mastering Academic Job Interviews: Securing Postdocs, Grants, and Leadership Roles” by Dr Alexander Britz (14-15 April 2025). This workshop is targeting those Postdocs and late-stage PhD students who are currently preparing for the next big step in their academic career, … Continued
The Hochschuldidaktik team of Göttingen University is again offereing their Teaching and Learning in higher education certificate programme for all researchers with teaching duties.
The course language is German, but written assignments can be in English and there is a supportive atmosphere between participants, plus the trainers speak English and are happy to translate where needed. … Continued
This course is designed for researchers and scientists from the University of Göttingen, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), and the Max Planck Society who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities through the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Participants will explore how AI can assist in analyzing large datasets, automating routine tasks, and improving literature research and organization. … Continued
Are you wondering what comes next after your postdoc? The talk series “Beyond the Postdoc” organized by the German Postdoc Network offers insights into diverse career opportunities beyond postdoctoral research. The talks take place once a month online via Zoom over lunchtime (13-14h).
Upcoming talks:
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The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering virtual GMB basic courses in the first half of 2025 in German and in English:
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We would like to inform you that the new module directory of the cross-faculty key competencies for the summer term 2025 is now available on the key competency pages of the University of Göttingen.
On these pages you will find the module handbook with an overview of the decentrally offered interdisciplinary and interdepartmental key competence modules as well as the services of central institutions of the University of Göttingen. … Continued
Several Scientific Coordinators of Göttingen Campus are offering a workshop on the occupational field Science Management for all those interested in this career path. The in-person workshop will take place on Tuesday, 20 May 2025 from 9:00-14:00h. It will be held in German – please see below for a detailed description and further information. … Continued
Funding Opportunities and Prizes
KoWi, the EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations, offers advice on all funding lines of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for researchers, from application to implementation (project management). They offer individual counselling sessions, information events at universities and research institutions as well as Webinars and other virtual information and counselling services. … Continued
KoWi (the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations) intends to shed light on different aspects of the proposal preparation process for collaborative projects in the thematic clusters of Horizon Europe through weekly, short introductory seminars. The aim of this mini-webinar series is to highlight specific elements of proposal preparations including:
- Horizon Europe and FP10: Status Quo: Thursday,
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The Joachim Herz Award endowed with 500,000€ aims to send a strong signal of support for innovative, interdisciplinary research projects by up-and-coming talents. The Joachim Herz Foundation is looking for creative ideas from researchers that provide impetus for a sustainable future. It is aimed at scientists who are in the early stages of their careers. … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
With the program “Change! Fellowhips“, the Volkswagen Foundation is looking for personalities from science who are jointly with partners outside of academia researching transformation processes. The target group of this grant (duration 4-5 years; 1.5-1.8m €) are postdocs and junior professors who gained their PhD at least 2 years ago. … Continued
If you are interested in the postdoc fellowship program Feodor Lynen by the Humboldt Foundation, then take this opportunity and join this online information event taking place on 8 April 2025. A prior registration is not necessary. The event can be accessed through the following link: Launch Meeting – … Continued
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has two postdoc research funding opportunites, which might be of particular interest for you.
The Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers who want to join a lab outside of Germany to do their own research project with a duration of 6-24 months. … Continued
The University of Bremen opened the call for a funding scheme especially interesting for young scientists who have just completed their doctorate but also for advanced postdocs candidates with the career goal professorship. For further details please see below or click this link. Applications are considered until 1 April 2025. … Continued
This prize by the German Association for Biomedical Technologies together with the Family Klee Foundation honors scientific projects in Biomedical Sciences that successfully transferred their genuine ideas to a medical engineering innovation. The award includes a prize money of 10.000 EUR. For further information see www.vde.com/de/dgbmt/preise-ehrungen/innovationspreis. … Continued
The Fast Forward Science competition, which is endowed with a total of €9,000, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband and has been held annually since 2013. Passion for research, for innovative multimedia formats and for communication – the Fast Forward Science competition honors people who are not only passionate about science themselves, … Continued
The Rudolf Kaiser Foundation annually awards the Rudolf Kaiser Prize to a young scientist in experimental physics. The prize is intended to improve opportunities for young experimental physicists who are about to establish themselves in academia.
Eligible candidates must have outstanding scientific achievements, but cannot yet hold a professorship. They must have several publication,one of which is particularly remarkable. … Continued
The University of Kassel in cooperation with the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) offers an online introduction seminar on how to successfully apply for ERC Starting Grant and Consolidator Grant. The event takes place on Wednesday, 28 may 2025, between 10:00-11:00h.
In this open-to-all informational event you will learn more about the funding scheme and get some insights into the application procedure. … Continued
With the Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Science and Transfer the Joachim Herz Foundation supports scientists from the fields of engineering, economics and life sciences who are working on innovative, interdisciplinary research projects. Funded are conference visits, research stays or acquisition of special aids (e.g. hardware or software), data acquisition or collection, … Continued
KoWi-Talk is the podcast for the KoWi community on interesting topics from the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation and with extensive insights into the work of KoWis.
For a selection of podcast in English and German see below. For an archive of all podcasts episodes click here: https://kowi-talk-podcast.podigee.io/episodes … Continued
The DFG is offering a variety of funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. To learn more about schemes suitable for postdocs join their online talk series “Prospects”. Some talks offer an overview and other talks are quite specific focusing only on one funding scheme. You will also get advice on how to prepare your proposal for the review process. … Continued