Newsletter 2025/01
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in April 2025 will be open from 1 February 2025. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 February online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in April; … Continued
We’re happy to announce our first GAUSS Career Impulse Session in 2025, this time with Dr. Ritu Chakrabarti, Scientific Editor at Cell Press. In this session, Ritu will provide insights into her field of work, sharing her personal experiences and perspectives.
- Date: Friday, 7 February 2025
- Time: 14:00-15:30 (appr.)
- Location: online
- Registration: Please write a short e-mail to if you would like to attend.
… Continued
The SUB Göttingen offers an online GRO.publications training courses in German on 3 February 2025, 3 March 2025 etc. (see full list here) from 10:00 – 11:30h. If you want to request this training in English, please write an email to
This training introduces GRO.publications, … Continued
Presenting your own research in an entertaining way for 10 minutes – this is a science slam aimed primarily at a non-specialist and non-scientific audience. This format has been held in Göttingen for many years. If you would like to try your hand at being a slammer, this is your chance:
During the Study Information Days on Tuesday, … Continued
Love Data Week (LDW) is an international week of action centred around the topics of research data and research data management. Under the motto ‘Whose Data Is It, Anyway?’, this year Love Data will be celebrated worldwide from 10 – 14 February 2025 with numerous events on a wide variety of topics. … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering virtual GMB basic courses in February/April/May 2025 in German and in English:
The registration fee for each course depends on your current status. … Continued
On Wednesday, 19 February 2025 (13:15 h) the Ernst Caspari Lecture with the topic “Tissue-derived organoid models, where we stand and where we go” will be given by Prof. Dr. Meritxell Huch from the Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden.
Location: ECH, Seminar Room 0.232, … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
Companies & organizations from IT, … Continued
This course is designed for researchers and scientists from the University of Göttingen, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), and the Max Planck Society who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities through the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Participants will explore how AI can assist in analyzing large datasets, automating routine tasks, and improving literature research and organization. … Continued
The accredited Certificate Program ‘Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’ (Hochschuldidaktik) will once again offer teaching scientists at the University of Göttingen the opportunity to study basic theories and concepts of academic (and adult) teaching and learning, communicating and presenting, assessing and advising.
The program takes approx. 2 semesters and starts again on 2 & … Continued
In May 2025 the Faculty of Physics will again offer two courses on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke.
From 6-7 May 2025 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, approx. 8:30 am – 5 pm) and from 8-9 May 2025, … Continued
The DFG has been awarding the Bernd Rendel Prize annually since 2002 to early career geoscientists with a university degree but as yet no doctorate. The prizes are funded by the proceeds from the Bernd Rendel Foundation, which is administered by Stifterverband, and is intended to be used for scientific purposes, … Continued
Have you written an outstanding dissertation and are you very keen to explain your research findings in a clear and comprehensible manner to a large number of people, including those not familiar with your subject? Then write an article about your work and enter it into the competition for the KlarText Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Sciences. … Continued
The “Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt“, in conjunction with the state capital Erfurt, the University of Erfurt and Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, is awarding the Reichart Prize 2025 (Erfurt Young Talent Award for applied science).It is presented annually by the Lord Mayor of the city and the President of the Academy to coincide with Reichart’s birthday. … Continued
Every year, Körber-Stiftung presents the German Thesis Award to the best of young German researchers. In total the prizes are worth more than €100,000 for significant and innovative research, including three top prizes of €25,000 each. This makes the German Thesis Award one of the most highly endowed prizes awarded to young scientists in the country. … Continued
With the Stockmeyer Science Award, the Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation honors practicable approaches and application-oriented research that contribute to improve food safety and consumer protection, and to enhance consumer confidence in the quality and safety of food products.
The prize is aimed at scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the above-mentioned field and is endowed with 10.000 €. … Continued
The University of Göttingen offers an Open Access Publication Fund to support authors who wish to publish in pure Open Access journals. Please be aware of the relevant regulations when submitting manuscripts. These funding limits typically apply even when a publishing agreement includes a discount on article processing charges (APCs). However, it is important to note that communication during the submission process may sometimes be misleading, … Continued
Recently, there has been an increasing number of reports regarding suspected predatory publishing practices. The term “predatory publishing” refers to various shady business practices and deceptive activities in the publishing industry. Some of these cases involve the publisher “Gavin Publishers,” which the University of Göttingen classifies as a predatory publisher. This classification is based, … Continued
Despite the numerous challenges posed by the use of AI within the university, LLMs can frequently make time-consuming work easier for us. For example, LLM-based services can not only enhance accessibility through speech recognition, but also create interview transcripts in the realm of research, saving many hours of work compared to manual transcription.
To support members of the university with this type of task, … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/12
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in March 2025 will be open from 1 January 2025. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 January online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in March; … Continued
The GAUSS & Examination Office, will be taking a well-deserved break during the Christmas Holidays.
Accordingly we will not be available between 23 December 2024 and 5 January 2025.
Examination procedures (e.g. admission to the doctoral examination) cannot be handled during this time.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! … Continued
Elections for the doctoral student council (Promovierendenvertretung (PromV)) for the next one-year term of office (starting 01.04.2025) will take place soon (13.01.2025, 12:00h until 21.01.2025, 12:00h).
The doctoral student council consists of 13 members, with one member to be elected per faculty.
These doctoral representatives are the ones of the faculties (taking part in the faculty council (Fakultätsrat)) that advise on questions concerning doctoral students and make recommendations to the university’s governing bodies. … Continued
We’re happy to announce our first GAUSS Career Impulse Session in 2025, this time with Dr. Ritu Chakrabarti, Scientific Editor at Cell Press. In this session, Ritu will provide insights into her field of work, sharing her personal experiences and perspectives.
- Date: Friday, 7 February 2025
- Time: 14:00-15:30 (appr.)
- Location: online
- Registration: Please write a short e-mail to if you would like to attend.
… Continued
The deadline for registering for the Startup Competition LIFT-OFF 2025 has been extended once again until 9 January 2025. All you need to take part in the competition is a start-up idea. In 2025, you will receive support in the development and elaboration of a business model. The competition is accompanied by various events and workshops as well as a mentoring program during the entire competition period. … Continued
InDIGU-PLUS bietet eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen an, die Studierende auf ihrem akademischen und beruflichen Weg in Deutschland begleiten und unterstützen sollen. Dies ist die nächste kommende Veranstaltung, die auch für internationale Promovierende interessant sein könnte:
15.01.2025 Praktikum in Deutschland: finden, vorbereiten, nutzen
In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie, welche Kriterien ein qualifiziertes Praktikum erfüllen sollte, … Continued
The RTG 2906 “Curiosity” invites to a Guest Lecture with the topic “Saving is great, but spending isn’t all that bad: Exploring parent-child conversations about money.”
The lecture is delivered by Margaret Echelbarger from Stony Brook University (New York, USA). Scheduled for 15 January 2025, at 12:00h at the German Primate Centre, … Continued
The Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden is organising another series of online info events in German on how to apply for a HAW Professorship especially concerning the required application documents.
The virtual coffee break format consists of three 30-minute sessions and is aimed at anyone interested in a professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW).In addition to input from the speakers, … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
Boehringer Ingelheim is hosting a series of webinars to promote the different career paths available within the company. Dive into Research & Development with Boehringer Ingelheim’s “Meet Our Scientists” webinar series. Understand industry processes, explore career paths, and experience the work culture. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore your future in the pharmaceutical industry! … Continued
The Merck’s Innovation Cup Summer Camp is taking place from 19-25 July 2025 near Frankfurt and is an initiative for researchers in natural sciences, computer sciences, business and administration to attend a training programme near Frankfurt. This in-person meet-up is designed to support career development of those who wish to move into R&D/industry by learning how the industry works. … Continued
The SUB Göttingen offers an online GRO.publications training courses in German on 3 February 2025, 3 March 2025 etc. (see full list here) from 10:00 – 11:30h. If you want to request this training in English, please write an email to
This training introduces GRO.publications, … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering virtual GMB basic courses in February/April/May 2025 in German and in English:
The registration fee for each course depends on your current status. … Continued
Viele Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen befinden sich in einem Arbeitsverhältnis an der Universität Göttingen. Während sie sich auf ihre Forschung und alltägliche Arbeit konzentrieren, können die arbeitsrechtlichen Aspekte ihrer Anstellung in den Hintergrund geraten und die klare Trennung von Rechten und Pflichten kann verschwimmen.
Am 26.02.2025 findet von 12:00 – 13:00 Uhr die Infoveranstaltung “Rechten und Pflichten auf Promotionsstellen” … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
Companies & organizations from IT, … Continued
The ENLIGHT Impact Award 2025 aims to recognize and celebrate the outstanding initiatives from ENLIGHT partner universities that demonstrate excellence in creating tangible impact. These initiatives may cover education, training, research, and/or service to society. Applications from teams at ENLIGHT universities, with each university nominating teams through an internal selection process (details in the call text) are welcome. … Continued
The DFG has been awarding the Bernd Rendel Prize annually since 2002 to early career geoscientists with a university degree but as yet no doctorate. The prizes are funded by the proceeds from the Bernd Rendel Foundation, which is administered by Stifterverband, and is intended to be used for scientific purposes, … Continued
Have you written an outstanding dissertation and are you very keen to explain your research findings in a clear and comprehensible manner to a large number of people, including those not familiar with your subject? Then write an article about your work and enter it into the competition for the KlarText Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Sciences. … Continued
Every year, Körber-Stiftung presents the German Thesis Award to the best of young German researchers. In total the prizes are worth more than €100,000 for significant and innovative research, including three top prizes of €25,000 each. This makes the German Thesis Award one of the most highly endowed prizes awarded to young scientists in the country. … Continued
The Chemical Industry Fund awards the Kekulé Scholarship for doctoral students in chemistry and chemistry-related life science subjects. The aim of the scholarship is to promote highly talented young scientists.
Applications can be submitted on three dates each year. A prerequisite for the award of the scholarship is that the student has studied quickly and achieved outstanding academic results. … Continued
The Foyer International team invites all students, including doctoral students, to a Christmas Potluck on 24 December 2024 at Von-Siebold-Straße 2 from 11:00 to 15:00 h.
Bring a dish to share and enjoy the holiday spirit together in the Foyer International. Make it a feast to remember! … Continued
Conflicts over authorship are a relatively common issue in discussions about proper research practices and can arise in various contexts. For instance, during collaborative publication efforts, researchers may encounter difficulties when co-authors fail to respond to requests for feedback on a manuscript or are unexpectedly unreachable.
In such cases, teams of authors face the challenge of publishing their work without compromising ethical research standards. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/11
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in February 2025 will be open from 1 December 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 December online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in February; … Continued
The GAUSS & Examination Office, will be taking a well-deserved break during the Christmas Holidays.
Accordingly we will not be available between 23 December 2024 and 5 January 2025.
Examination procedures (e.g. admission to the doctoral examination) cannot be handled during this time.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
This course is designed for researchers and scientists from the University of Göttingen, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), and the Max Planck Society who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities through the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Participants will explore how AI can assist in analyzing large datasets, automating routine tasks, and improving literature research and organization. … Continued
Choosing the right Creative Commons (CC) licence when publishing your research is crucial. The DEAL Consortium strongly advocates for the Creative Commons license type CC BY, as emphasized in their recent campaign.
To reinforce this recommendation and to give authors a deeper insight into the licence choice and its wider implications, … Continued
On 5 December 2024, from 10:00-11:00h, the “Open Access Fundamentals: definitions, formats, licenses and costs” is taking place online.
This talk is aimed at students, doctoral candidates, and experienced researchers who want to learn more about Open Access and academic publishing. Anyone else who is interested is also welcome to attend. No registration is required. … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
Companies & organizations from IT, … Continued
Please save the date for the next Open Science Göttingen Meet-up (OSMU): Monday, 9 December 2024. The meet-up will start from 13:00h at the Digital Creative Space in the central campus library.
What will this meeting be about: The organizers would like to brainstorm ideas with you on how to create OSMU-as-guest-at-faculty-X editions. … Continued
InDIGU-PLUS bietet eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen an, die Studierende auf ihrem akademischen und beruflichen Weg in Deutschland begleiten und unterstützen sollen. Dies sind die kommenden Veranstaltungen, die auch für internationale Promovierende interessant sein könnten:
10.12.2024 Alumni berichten – Karrierewege internationaler Absolvent*innen
Interviewveranstaltung mit mehreren Alumni, die als internationale Studierende an der Universität Göttingen studierten und anschließend in Deutschland beruflich Fuß gefasst haben. … Continued
—–English version below—–
Startschuss für den LIFT-OFF Gründungswettbewerb der Universität Göttingen
Der LIFT-OFF Gründungswettbewerb der Universität Göttingen geht in die nächste Runde. Bewerben Sie sich bis zum 10. Dezember 2024 mit einer Gründungsidee und erhalten Sie im Jahr 2025 Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Ausarbeitung eines Geschäftsmodells!
Begleitet wird der Wettbewerb durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Workshops sowie einem Mentoringprogramm während der kompletten Wettbewerbslaufzeit. … Continued
Boehringer Ingelheim is hosting a series of webinars to promote the different career paths available within the company. Dive into Research & Development with Boehringer Ingelheim’s “Meet Our Scientists” webinar series. Understand industry processes, explore career paths, and experience the work culture. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore your future in the pharmaceutical industry! … Continued
We would like to draw your attention to an opportunity to take part in the Global Health Hackathon 2025 with more than 6 countries and international partners as AstraZeneca, Microsoft and many more, hosted by the Life Science Factory (Sartorius) in Germany.
What to expect from the Hackathon?
- A two-day intensive workshop where participants from various disciplines come together in teams to develop tangible solutions.
… Continued
The Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden is organising another series of online info events in German on how to apply for a HAW Professorship especially concerning the required application documents.
The virtual coffee break format consists of three 30-minute sessions and is aimed at anyone interested in a professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW).In addition to input from the speakers, … Continued
The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) is the world’s leading student congress in the field of (bio)medical sciences. ISCOMS is Europe’s largest biomedical student congress and attracts more participants each year. Last year, over 600 students from more than 60 countries attended the 31st edition of ISCOMS.
Next year, the 32nd edition will take place from 2-5 June 2025 at the University Medical Center Groningen. … Continued
Have you written an outstanding dissertation and are you very keen to explain your research findings in a clear and comprehensible manner to a large number of people, including those not familiar with your subject? Then write an article about your work and enter it into the competition for the KlarText Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Sciences. … Continued
Annually the Körber Foundation is awarding the “Deutsche Studienpreis” for outstanding dissertations (magna or summa cum laude) in all disciplines.
In addition to scientific excellence a specific significance for the society is of particular importance. However, the focus is not necessarily lying on the economic exploitability but on the macrosocial benefit of scientific results. … Continued
This is a reminder to participate in the survey, that the SUB Göttingen is sharing right now to determine the need for information and training on the Göttingen campus on the subject of “Publishing and Open Access”. Please use this survey to give them brief feedback on which topics are particularly relevant to you: (in German: … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/10
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in January 2025 will be open from 1 November 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 November online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in January; … Continued
Elections for the doctoral student council (Promovierendenvertretung (PromV)) for the next one-year term of office (starting 01.04.2025) will take place soon (13.01.2025, 12:00h until 21.01.2025, 12:00h).
The doctoral student council consists of 13 members, with one member to be elected per faculty.
These doctoral representatives are the ones of the faculties (taking part in the faculty council (Fakultätsrat)) that advise on questions concerning doctoral students and make recommendations to the university’s governing bodies. … Continued
We would like to inform you that the GAUSS & Examination Office will be closed on 1 November 2024. … Continued
In the winter semester 2024/25 Dr. Batuhan Kalkan and Dr. Martin Statz will offer a new seminar series on ”Quantum Matter -Superconductivity, exotic quantum Hall and correlated insulators”, which is particularly suited for Master and PhD students interested in condensed matter physics.
The seminar has started on Monday, 21 October 2024 from 4 to 6 pm in SR5 (C.02.101) in the physics building and will continue to take place on a weekly basis at the same time. … Continued
We would like to draw your attention to the new InDiGU-PLUS program offered for international students at the University of Göttingen by Göttingen International (incl. Start Guides), the key competence area ‘Intercultural Interactions’ and the Career Service.
The DAAD-funded InDiGU-PLUS project offers a variety of events that accompany and support international students on their academic and professional path in Germany. … Continued
Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie bietet Workshops an, die für Doktoranden und PostDocs, die einen Wechsel in die pharmazeutische, chemische oder biotechnologische Industrie planen, interessant sein könnten, da die meisten Stellen in der Industrie Grundkenntnisse in guter Laborpraxis und/oder guter Herstellungspraxis erfordern.
Die folgenden Workshops werden angeboten:
„Qualitätssicherung in der regulierten Forschung – … Continued
The SUB Göttingen offers an online GRO.publications training courses in German on 4 November 2024, 2 December 2024 etc. (see full list here) from 10:00 – 11:30h. If you want to request this training in English, please write an email to
This training introduces GRO.publications, … Continued
Die Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit organisiert im November zwei Empowerment-Workshops für Studierende:
… Continued
This is the last reminder, that there are still free slots available for the two courses offered in November 2024 by the Faculty of Physics on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke.
From 12-13 November 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, … Continued
For all those who are about to complete their doctorate or have already completed their doctorate and are preparing for an academic career as parents:
Children make life fast-paced and colorful. Children shake up our view of the world and throw our life plans into disarray in a good mood. And they need time and our attention – … Continued
In 2025, the University of Göttingen will again offer the Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Program for female postdocs and female doctoral candidates (in their final year) at Göttingen Campus, designed to accompany young female researchers through this stage of their development. The aim is to increase the number of women in leading positions in Academia. … Continued
An 80,000 word PhD thesis would take 9 hours to present. Their time limit… 3 minutes.
The Three Minute Thesis competition is an internationally renowned competition held at numerous universities worldwide and was adopted by the Coimbra Group to which the University of Göttingen belongs.
In 2024 the Graduate Schools and Alumni Göttingen are hosting their own Three-Minute-Thesis format in the course of the universities alumni day according to the rules and judging criteria of the University of Queensland, … Continued
The event, organized by the German University Alliance (UA) 11+ e.V., is taking place on 22 November 2024 at the Amplifier, Amperium near Humboldthain, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin.
It aims to gather representatives from politics and academia in a creative space to discuss innovative support and development opportunities beyond the binary thinking pattern of fixed-term versus permanent contracts. … Continued
The rapid advancement of biotechnologies presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges across various domains of human life. Innovations like synthetic cells, living materials, soft robotics, brain organoids, artificial intelligence in healthcare, and germline editing promise breakthroughs in science and medicine. They also raise profound ethical and anthropological questions about the nature of life, human identity, and the social impacts of altering biological processes. … Continued
The Foyer International is a platform for all students, regardless of their nationality and background, to meet and spend quality time together in gatherings of their interest. All meetings and activities are always free and you are warmly welcome to join at any point.
Foyer International once again opened its doors to students from all over the world (including Germany!) with a varied programme of workshops. … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering virtual GMB basic courses in November 2024 and February 2025 in German and in English:
The registration fee for each course depends on your current status. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
Companies & organizations from IT, … Continued
—–English version below—–
Startschuss für den LIFT-OFF Gründungswettbewerb der Universität Göttingen
Der LIFT-OFF Gründungswettbewerb der Universität Göttingen geht in die nächste Runde. Bewerben Sie sich bis zum 10. Dezember 2024 mit einer Gründungsidee und erhalten Sie im Jahr 2025 Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Ausarbeitung eines Geschäftsmodells!
Begleitet wird der Wettbewerb durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Workshops sowie einem Mentoringprogramm während der kompletten Wettbewerbslaufzeit. … Continued
We are happy to inform you that for the first time, a “Good scientific practice for mathematicians” course will be offered by Prof. Preda Mihăilescu.
The course will take place on 18 December 2024 from 15:30-17:45h at the Mathematisches Institut (Bunsenstraße 3-5) in lecture hall HS1. … Continued
The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (CNV) Foundation is aiming for the advancement of science and to facilitate the progress of highly qualified women with children. Excellent graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by providing them with funds to be used for additional childcare and domestic help (1-2 years, monthly 500 €). The Foundation intends this contribution to enable young mothers to gain greater flexibility and time for their scientific work and thereby to contribute to advance more highly qualified women in Germany’s leading scientific research. … Continued
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fund (BIF) awards scholarships to outstanding young scientists worldwide for ambitious scientific doctoral theses in basic biomedical research conducted in internationally renowned laboratories.
In addition to the monthly stipend, the fund provides seminars, travel grants for congresses and courses, a worldwide network, and individual and personal support. Fellowships are for two years, … Continued
The SUB Göttingen would like to determine the need for information and training on the Göttingen campus on the subject of “Publishing and Open Access”. Please use this survey to give them brief feedback on which topics are particularly relevant to you: (in German:
The Group of Electronic Publishing will then try to expand our information and training offer accordingly and, … Continued
The Welcome Centre of the University of Göttingen and the Göttingen Campus are organizing an online information event on the German Pension System 2024 on Thursday, 14 November 2024, from 15:00-16:30h.
If you would like to learn first-hand about the basics of the German Pension System, you are welcome to join this online information event, … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/09
Supplementing the existing bachelor and master programs in data science, a dedicated PhD program in Data Science (PDS) has been established as a part of GAUSS, which is assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
It targets PhD students that work in data science in a broad sense, … Continued
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in December 2024 will be open from 1 October 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 October online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in December; … Continued
From 8-18 October 2024 you can register for the GAUSS/GGNB German Language Courses via Stud-IP!
The evening classes (level A1.1 to B1.2) with a duration of 2 x 1,5 hours per week will run from 28 October – 4 February 2025. Please check carefully for scheduling conflicts. … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
Von September bis Dezember 2024 finden zahlreiche Fortbildungen zu Chancengleichheitsthemen statt, die von Seiten der Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit und Diversität im Qualifizierungsprogramm für Beschäftigte organisiert werden:
Mehr Informationen:
Kontakt: Dr. Daniela Marx … Continued
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Winter School organized by the Eurolife network. This intensive program will take place from 15-20 December 2024 in Obergurgl & Innsbruck, Austria and focus on the critical theme: “Big Data Divide and Governance of BBD Platforms.”
The target Audience is students from Eurolife institutions, … Continued
On 19 December 2024 the DATATEHICS International Conference on the topic “Ethical Governance of Biomedical Big Data – Advancing Social Justice and Human Rights in Digital Health” is taking place in Innsbruck, Austria.
The event is open to the public and aims to foster dialogue among interdisciplinary experts, policymakers, students, and the general public on the ethical challenges surrounding biomedical big data. … Continued
We are happy to invite you to a talk and discussion round:
Prof. Dr. Jana Lasser (Uni Graz):“Hierarchy and abuse of power: challenges in the scientific work environment”Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 17-19h
Location: via zoom webinar ( or in person at the Alte Mensa, … Continued
- Date: Friday, 18 October 2024
- Time: 14:00-15:30h (appr.)
- Location: online
- Registration: To sign up please send an email to
About the speaker:
Lennart Mohnike studied “BSc. Biology” and “MSc. Molecular Life Sciences” at the University of Göttingen. … Continued
We would like to draw your attention to the Lectures series “Current Topics in Biophysics and Complex Systems” which is offered by the GGNB PhD Program “Physics of Biological and Complex Systems”.
The lecture series is open to all interested Master/PhD students of the natural Sciences!
The lecture will be held in presence, a prior registration by email to is appreciated but not required. … Continued
Every two years the University Medical Centre (UMG) is inviting applications for the Margaret Maltby Mentoring Program. This program is offering young female scientists the opportunity to manage their careers successfully with mentoring; a combination of personal accompaniment by a female or male mentor, training and qualification as a person of leadership, … Continued
It’s our pleasure to announce that the 31st Open Science Göttingen Meet-up, this time on the topic “Financing your publications: Diamonds are a researcher’s best friend?”, will be taking place in October.
Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2024, 13:00-15:00 h
Venue: Online (Zoom link cooming soon)
In this session the following questions are targeted:
- What alternatives to publication fees are available and how do journals and institutions implement this approach?
… Continued
Would you like to improve your research data management and data skills? Do you know how to manage, analyse, visualize and share your data?
During the Winter term 2024/2025, the University of Göttingen offers a digital course on “Data Management and Data Carpentry Social Sciences” that will provide you with basic data skills on research data management and an introduction to the use of selected data tools (e.g. … Continued
For all those who are about to complete their doctorate or have already completed their doctorate and are preparing for an academic career as parents:
Children make life fast-paced and colorful. Children shake up our view of the world and throw our life plans into disarray in a good mood. And they need time and our attention – … Continued
This is a reminder, that there are still free slots available for the two courses offered in November 2024 by the Faculty of Physics on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke.
From 12-13 November 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, … Continued
An 80,000 word PhD thesis would take 9 hours to present. Their time limit… 3 minutes.
The Three Minute Thesis competition is an internationally renowned competition held at numerous universities worldwide and was adopted by the Coimbra Group to which the University of Göttingen belongs.
In 2024 the Graduate Schools and Alumni Göttingen are hosting their own Three-Minute-Thesis format in the course of the universities alumni day according to the rules and judging criteria of the University of Queensland, … Continued
Bis zum 1. November 2024 können sich deutsche Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen bei Fulbright Germany für ein Doktorand*innenstipendium bewerben. Gefördert werden vier- bis sechsmonatige Forschungsprojekte an einer US-Hochschule oder Forschungsinstitution, die zwischen dem 1. August 2025 und 31. Dezember 2025 begonnen werden.
Das Stipendium finanziert Reisekosten in Höhe von 1.400 Euro, Unterhaltskosten von 2.400 Euro/Monat (für maximal sechs Monate), … Continued
To encourage more scientists to translate their research, the BioInnovation Institute (BII) and Science Magazine present an annual award to recognize bold researchers who are asking fundamental questions at the intersection of the life sciences and entrepreneurship.
The three winners will have their essays published in Science magazine and will be invited into BII’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. … Continued
The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (CNV) Foundation is aiming for the advancement of science and to facilitate the progress of highly qualified women with children. Excellent graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by providing them with funds to be used for additional childcare and domestic help (1-2 years, monthly 500 €). The Foundation intends this contribution to enable young mothers to gain greater flexibility and time for their scientific work and thereby to contribute to advance more highly qualified women in Germany’s leading scientific research. … Continued
From 18-27 October 2024 Göttingen’s Literary Festival “Literaturherbst” is about to take place for the 33th time and will definitely be worth a visit for everyone who is interested in literature. You can either attend in person or purchase a ticket for “Literaturherbst ON AIR” (25€) which will enable you to watch all of the events online via video streaming. … Continued
The Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.; MPG) invites junior scientists, PhDs and Postdocs at Max Planck Institutes to apply as Mentors for the MPG African Mentorship Programme.
The ARTEMIS Mentorship programme of the Max Planck Society aims to build a partnership which fosters career goals through exchange of experience, … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/08
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in November 2024 will be open from 1 September 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 September online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in November; … Continued
You are a PhD student at the University of Göttingen. Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes – in English? Then this is something for you! The Three-Minute-Thesis Competition will be held here in Göttingen on the 16th November 2024 at 3 p.m. in the assembly hall at the ,Wilhelmsplatz´. … Continued
Open Science promotes transparency and accessibility in research, facilitating replication and further exploration of findings. Reproducibility is a fundamental element, ensuring scientific reliability and advancement. However, this open approach often clashes with intellectual property concerns, revealing a tension between open access and proprietary rights. In a utopian scenario, universities could evolve into “free patent places,” where research is published openly, … Continued
Researchers increasingly face challenges when it comes to selecting high-quality journals. This issue is particularly important for early career researchers because individual reputations, funding and career paths can be jeopardized by publishing in predatory or sub-optimal journals.
If you interested in this topic, then attend this discussion and information event in English about how to avoid predators and understanding the changing landscape of research assessment, … Continued
Künstliche Intelligenz ist die Fähigkeit einer Maschine, menschliche Fähigkeiten wie logisches Denken, Lernen, Planen und Kreativität zu imitieren. Oft sind wir uns gar nicht bewusst, wie häufig wir KI in unserem Alltag bereits verwenden. Sie unterstützt uns z.B. bereits bei der Erstellung von Texten und deren automatischen Übersetzung.
Die Universität verfügt über ein eigenes ChatAI mit unterschiedlichen Modelltypen, … Continued
Vom 23. – 27. September 2024 findet die 15. Niedersächsische Summer School des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen in Kooperation mit CUTEC (TU Clausthal) und der Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB) statt.
Die Summer School bietet allen Interessierten am technisch-wissenschaftlichen Themenfeld in diesem Jahr die Gelegenheit, die Welt der Brennstoffzellen und Batterien umfassend kennenzulernen. … Continued
This year’s GZMB Symposium will be on Wednesday, 25 September 2024. It will again take place in the GZMB (seminar room 0.232) at Justus-von-Liebig Weg 11.
For further information, see the flyer attached:
Ankundigung-GZMB-Symposium-25.-September-2024_compressed … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
This course gives an overview over some core principles of Statistics. It is best suited for beginners and those who would like to refresh their knowledge about Statistics for their PhD.
The course will cover the following topics:
- Overview on data formats
- Summary statistics
- Introduction to R and R Studio
- Basic graphical visualization
- The idea of statistical inference
- Statistical testing and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
The course will take place on 1 October 2024, … Continued
We are happy to invite you to a talk and discussion round:
Prof. Dr. Jana Lasser (Uni Graz):“Hierarchy and abuse of power: challenges in the scientific work environment”Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 17:00-19:00h
Location: via zoom webinar ( or in person at the Alte Mensa, … Continued
In November 2024 the Faculty of Physics will again offer two courses on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke.
From 12-13 November 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, approx. 8:30 am – 5 pm) and from 14-15 November 2024, … Continued
The University of Göttingen set up a funding scheme within the Dorothea Schlözer Program funded by the Programme for Female Professors III. The scheme “Career promotion of female scientists“ is aiming to compensate for structural disadvantages of women in science and, in the long term, to increase the proportion of women at all stages of the scientific career. … Continued
The “Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt”, in conjunction with the state’s universities and colleges, is awarding the Dalberg Prize 2024 for transdisciplinary junior research. This Thuringian academy prize draws public attention to research whose transdisciplinary not only focuses on connections between individual subjects, but also builds a bridge between the humanities and natural sciences. … Continued
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) awards funds to universities each year as part of the DAAD Prize for outstanding academic achievements by international students. The award also includes prize money of 1.000 € and can only be won by individual students. Candidates studying at the University of Göttingen wanting to apply must fulfil the following criteria:
- above-average academic achievements
- exemplary unpaid social commitment,
… Continued
The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (CNV) Foundation is aiming for the advancement of science and to facilitate the progress of highly qualified women with children. Excellent graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by providing them with funds to be used for additional childcare and domestic help (1-2 years, monthly 500 €). The Foundation intends this contribution to enable young mothers to gain greater flexibility and time for their scientific work and thereby to contribute to advance more highly qualified women in Germany’s leading scientific research. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/07
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in October 2024 will be open from 1 August 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 August online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in October; … Continued
We are offering intensive 3,5 hours/day (two weeks, Monday to Friday, 16-27 September 2024, 9.00 to 12.30) skill-oriented German courses for (PhD) students of GAUSS/GGNB. These courses are primarily designed to develop the ability to communicate in simple everyday situations.
Most of them are intended for students who have little or no prior knowledge of German. … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Jeremy Vachier, data scientist at AstraZeneca in Stockholm (Sweden). In this session, Jeremy will talk about his journey from science to data science. He will give insights on his transition and the skills required for a successful career in data science. … Continued
We’re happy to announce the next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Farah Raad, senior scientist at Roche in Basel. In this session, Farah will talk about her postdoc and R&D career in industry as well as her experiences working for different companies and starting a new job with a young family. … Continued
You are a PhD student at the University of Göttingen. Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes – in English? Then this is something for you! The Three-Minute-Thesis Competition will be held here in Göttingen on the 16th November 2024 at 3 p.m. in the assembly hall at the ,Wilhelmsplatz´. … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
This course offered by the university is aimed at anyone attending international conferences who wants to refresh and improve their communication skills in English. Topics covered include greetings, small talk, polite language, face-to-face networking, active participation in topical discussions as well as question and answer time after a presentation.Vocabulary will be expanded through listening and reading comprehension and speaking will be practised. … Continued
Applications of R for core tasks in the scientific process:
- Statistical Method(s): Few topics depending on participant input. Default, if no other topics are prioritized, may be the general linear model.
- Tables for descriptives and inference
- Graphics
- Using R markdown
Leraning Gaol: Building on the knowledge on basic R usage, … Continued
This course gives an overview over some core principles of Statistics. It is best suited for beginners and those who would like to refresh their knowledge about Statistics for their PhD.
The course will cover the following topics:
- Overview on data formats
- Summary statistics
- Introduction to R and R Studio
- Basic graphical visualization
- The idea of statistical inference
- Statistical testing and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
The course will take place on 19th August, … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
From 4-6 December 2024 the 2nd NFDI4Biodiversity Seasonal School on Data Management in Biodiversity and Environmental Science is about to take place! This Seasonal School is a cooperation of NFDI4Biodiversity and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig).
Within only five days, the NFDI4Biodiversity & iDiv Seasonal Seasonal School on Data Management in Biodiversity and Environmental Science teaches cutting-edge skills and essential knowledge to handle research data along the entire data life cycle. … Continued
We want to draw your attention to the upcoming 7th Max Planck Freiburg Epigenetics Meeting, organized by Asifa Akhtar and Thomas Jenuwein. The meeting takes place from 4-6 December 2024 at the Max PIanck Institute in Freiburg.
The organizers put together an exciting line-up of renowned speakers from the broad fields of chromatin and epigenetics research exploring the latest insights in cell type identities, … Continued
The new module directory of the Cross-faculty key competencies for the winter semester 2024/25 is now available on the key competence pages of the University of Göttingen.
Information can be found here:
Email: … Continued
Since 2009 the Deutsche Thermoelektrik-Gesellschaft is presenting the Young Talent Award for the best submitted thesis in the field of thermoelectrics. Submissions should not be significantly older than one year. Dissertations, diploma and master’s theses as well as outstanding bachelor’s theses that cover at least one subfield of thermoelectrics can be submitted, … Continued
100 years is just the beginning…
The formulation of quantum mechanics in 1925 laid a lasting foundation for our physical understanding of nature. 100 years later, in 2025, quantum mechanics has an impact on all areas of our culture, science, technology and art.
The German Physical Society is taking this as a chance to highlight the role of quantum physics from all sides with a comprehensive anniversary programme together with its international sister societies and other partners. … Continued
How does a „plaster“ work for the heart? What do the cells and tissues of this vital organ look like under the microscope? And what connects the heart to the brain?
The current special exhibition „Heart & Brain – Understanding Together“ provides insights into the fascinating research of the Cluster of Excellence „Multiscale Bioimaging: From Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)“. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/06
01.-12.07. GAUSS Prüfungsverwaltung und GAUSS Office geschlossen! // GAUSS Examination Office and GAUSS Office closed! … Continued
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in September 2024 will be open from 1 July 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 July online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in September; … Continued
You are a PhD student at the University of Göttingen. Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes – in English? Then this is something for you! The Three-Minute-Thesis Competition will be held here in Göttingen on the 16th November 2024 at 3 p.m. in the assembly hall at the ,Wilhelmsplatz´. … Continued
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) and the LMU Open Science Center are organising a hybrid 5-day Open Science Summer School on 9 – 13 September 2024 to allow early career researchers of any scientific discipline to gain more trust in the research that they do, and make it as credible, reproducible, and transparent as it can be in the eyes of their peers, … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
The second round of recruitment for the international EU TalentOn competition has started!
EU TalentON is a competition for young, ambitious scientists (21-35 years old) from European countries and countries associated with the Horizon Europe Programme who want to shape the future and influence what surrounds us. During the several-day hackathon, which will take place from 9 to 14 September in Katowice – … Continued
This summer school offers Master’s and PhD students the opportunity to delve into the world of data science, gaining insights into its relevance across various disciplines and the skills needed to navigate the data-rich landscape of modern research. The speakers will give an overview on the multi-layered topics and methods belonging to Data Science, such as data exploration, … Continued
The 26th EMBL PhD Symposium – “Biology outside the box” will take place from 4-6 December 2024 at EMBL Heidelberg. You can either join in person or online!
The symposium represents the mission to highlight research and researchers who are pushing the limits of our knowledge of biology. Organized entirely by EMBL predoctoral students of 2024, … Continued
We are pleased to inform you that “Landesinitiative Forschungsdatenmanagement Niedersachsen” – FDM-NDS is announcing the FAIR Data and Software Award Lower Saxony 2024 in Lower Saxony for the first time! This is your chance for recognition and a prize of 3.000 € – submit your entries by 4 August 2024!
Wanted are published datasets and software that adhere to the FAIR principles or the FAIR4ResearchSoftware principles. … Continued
The German Region of the International Biometric Society offers two young talent awards for (pre-)doctorate scientists or students for their excellent biometric achievements:
- the Gustav Adolf Lienert Award
- the Bernd Streitberg Award
Apply by October 31.
Details for both prizes: … Continued
How does a „plaster“ work for the heart? What do the cells and tissues of this vital organ look like under the microscope? And what connects the heart to the brain?
The current special exhibition „Heart & Brain – Understanding Together“ provides insights into the fascinating research of the Cluster of Excellence „Multiscale Bioimaging: From Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)“. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/05
24.-28.06. eingeschränkte Prüfungsverwaltung // limited examination administration – substitute service in GAUSS Examination Office (no issuance of certificates)
01.-12.07. GAUSS Prüfungsverwaltung und GAUSS Office geschlossen! // GAUSS Examination Office and GAUSS Office closed! … Continued
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in August 2024 will be open from 1 June 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 June online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in August; … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Thomas Danz, senior consultant at Senacor Technologies AG.
In this session, Thomas will talk about his personal motivation for leaving academia, give insights on his work and other potential roles for trained scientists at Senacor, and reflect on the skill set required for a successful career in consulting. … Continued
Is your next presentation approaching, but you feel your presentation skills could use a boost? Do you want to captivate your audience, but find it challenging to commit to a full-day course on the topic? Then the new offering from GAUSS & GGNB might be worth to check out!
One of our alumni has published an online course on the learning platform
“Master Scientific Presentations with Structured Narratives”. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
Der Niedersächsische Life Science Tag der BioRegioN findet in diesem Jahr in der Sheddachhalle im Sartorius Quartier statt. Sei dabei, bei Interessanten Vorträgen zum diesjährigen Thema “Optische Technologien in den Life Sciences”.
Anmeldung und weitere Information:
Life Science Tag 2024
Life Science Tag 2024 … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
… Continued
In June 2024 the Faculty of Physics will again offer two courses on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke. There are still free slots available.
From 11-12 June 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, … Continued
In the “Diversity Training – ‘Intercultural Competence’ in Research and Teaching” offered by the GGG are still free slots available. The training will take place from 13 June, 9:00 – 16:30h to 14 June, 9:00 – 13:00h.
Venue: Convention Center by the Observatory, Geismar Landstraße 11, big seminar roomAvailable seats: 16Target group: beginners and advanced learnersCourse language: EnglishTrainer: Dr. … Continued
Ob im Rahmen der Vorlesung, auf einem wissenschaftlichen Kongress oder in der Verteidigung der Promotionsprüfung: der Vortrag ist gehalten, Konzentration und Energie sind schon ziemlich aufgezehrt, da kommt die große Hürde: Fragen aus dem Auditorium an die Expertin. Nun kommt der Drahtseilakt ohne Netz und ohne doppelten Boden. Auf diese Runde können Sie sich nur bedingt vorbereiten. … Continued
It’s our pleasure to announce that the next Open Science Göttingen Meet-up, this time on the topic “Financing your publications: Diamonds are a researcher’s best friend?”, will be taking place in June.
Date: Monday, 17 June 2024, 13.00-16.30 o ‘clock
Venue: Digital Creative Space
Venue: Digital Creative Space (Campus Library, … Continued
The next job and career fair PRAXISBÖRSE of the University of Göttingen is coming up soon!
The PRAXISBÖRSE offers you the opportunity to look around for entry-level and career opportunities with attractive employers:
- Tuesday, 18 June (North Campus) and Wednesday, 19 June (Central Campus) from 11:00 to 16:00
- Find Internships &
… Continued
From 28-29 June 2024 an exciting conference called EuroSTEMPeers 2024 is taking place in Heidelberg. This is the European chapter of an NGO called STEMPeers, which enables STEM graduates to access a global network of STEM professionals for mentoring, empowerment, growth and support in their professional careers.
This year, EuroSTEMPeers 2024 will be organised with co-organiser BioLabs at the Heidelberg Innovation Park. … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering various online trainings in the coming months:
The registration fee for each course depends on your current status. … Continued
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) and the LMU Open Science Center are organising a hybrid 5-day Open Science Summer School on 9 – 13 September 2024 to allow early career researchers of any scientific discipline to gain more trust in the research that they do, and make it as credible, reproducible, and transparent as it can be in the eyes of their peers, … Continued
We are happy to announce that the 6th edition of the Third Infinity Conference will be held October 16th – 18th 2024 at the Max Planck Campus in Göttingen.
Organized by PhD students of the International Max Planck Research School for Physics of Biological and Complex Systems, the conference provides an interdisciplinary platform for young and experienced researchers to network and exchange ideas. … Continued
Sie haben eine interessante Studien- oder Examensarbeit zu den Themenbereichen „Mensch, Kultur, Umwelt“ geschrieben? Sie möchten die Ergebnisse einem größeren Publikum präsentieren? Sie beschäftigen sich mit zukunftsorientierten Fragen und möchten mit Ihrer Arbeit Diskussionen anstoßen?Dann suchen wir Sie!Wir sind die GEV (Gesellschaft für Erd- und Völkerkunde zu Stuttgart e.V.), ein gemeinnütziger Förderverein, … Continued
We are looking for a PhD Scholar for the selection committee for the Incubator grants.The aim of the Incubator grants is to stimulate the design and upscaling of joint educational initiatives across all three study cycles, in one (or more) of the 6 ENLIGHT Focus areas.
Detailed information about the call can be found on ENLIGHT website. … Continued
Anyone who has lived in Göttingen for a while will be familiar with the colourfully decorated and sometimes rather loud handcarts in which newly graduated doctoral students are pulled through the city centre to the market square.
The Alumni Göttingen have thought of a possibility to give this old tradition a new twist. Their “ … Continued
On Tuesday, 18 June 2024, the 34th “Göttinger Altstadtlauf” (race round the old town) is taking place.
If you are interested in actively participating in the race (different age categories and race lengths are possible), you can still sign up until 2 June 2024 using this link: … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/04
The GMP Academy is offering various online trainings in the coming months:
The registration fee for each course depends on your current status. … Continued
Vom 10. – 13. September 2024 veranstaltet das Institut Arbeit und Technik der Westfälischen Hochschule in Gelsenkirchen eine Sommerschule mit dem Titel “Ökologische Transformation, Raum und die (Re-)Produktion von Reichtum”. Die Sommerschule wird von Dr. Judith Terstriep und Prof. Dr. Stefan Gärtner organisiert und von der VW Stiftung gefördert. … Continued
The Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung is annually awarding 2-year Postdoc Scholarships to outstanding junior scientists in life sciences (e.g. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Proteomics, System Biology, BioMedTech, Biotechnology, BioInformatics, Biophysics).
Usually seven scholarships (TVÖD E13) are awarded each year. Applicants should be less than 34 years of age. … Continued
The INSTAND Dissertation Award is given annually to scientists for up to two outstanding papers in the field of quality assurance in laboratory medicine. The prize is awarded in December during the INSTAND General Assembly. The deadline for submission is 31 July 2024.
Eligible to participate are physicians and scientists from Germany and abroad who have not yet reached the age of 35. … Continued
The Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) has published a series of podcasts (usually in German) on subjects like: “working conditions in research”, “the academic job market”, “leadership skills in science”, and more. You’ll find the series here. Their most recent podcast is from our GGNB alumna Jana Lasser, … Continued
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in July 2024 will be open from 1 May 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 May online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in July; … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Thomas Kotzott, patent engineer / patent attorney candidate at Seemann & Partner.
In this Career Impulse Session, Thomas will give an insight into the world of intellectual property, how to become a patent attorney and why this may be an interesting career path for scientists. … Continued
Wer macht was und mit wem?
Die Göttinger Graduiertenschulen laden ein zum „Fokus Wissenschaftsmanagement“ am 30. Mai 2024 im Adam-von-Trott-Saal im Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa am Wilhelmsplatz. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist eine Bestandsaufnahme und Förderung der Vernetzung von und mit Wissenschaftsmanager*innen des Göttingen Campus. Austausch, Informationen und Netzwerken im und zum Wissenschaftsmanagement soll auf verschiedenen Ebenen Raum gegeben werden. … Continued
Since 1 Apr 2024 the GAUSS Board has been newly composed – for more details on the members please visit the GAUSS-website. The GAUSS Board members elected Prof. Ivo Feußner as their new speaker.
We would like to thank all former members of the GAUSS Board and the former spokesman for their strong commitment to the strategic development of the graduate school. … Continued
In June 2024 the Faculty of Physics will again offer two courses on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke. There are still free slots available.
From 11-12 June 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
We’d like to announce the Eurolife Semi-Annual Symposium on “Advanced Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease: From Mechanism to Therapy” taking place on 16 May 2024 (Aula on Waldweg, Waldweg 26, 37075 Göttingen).
There will be presentations by three renowned speakers in the field:
- Professor Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann (Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)
… Continued
The ENLIGHT-RISE Research Assessment Working Group cordially invites you to join its third and final online workshop on reforming research(er) assessment. Please mark your calendar for 21 May 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 CEST to engage in our enlightening discussions.
This workshop holds significant relevance for all members of the research community, including researchers, … Continued
Jumpstart your Career in Life Sciences industry!
Join the renowned five-day programme of BioBusiness Summer School from 24-28 June 2024 in Amsterdam and give your career in Life Sciences industry a jumpstart!
Whether you are still in academia or already in your first industry job or first start-up, this excellent summer school with top-notch speakers will give you an eye-opening experience and valuable insights to determine your view on the industry and your career prospects in it. … Continued
In this workshop you will learn what makes a professional application in Germany, how to adapt your application to a specific job and how to present your profile in a meaningful way. In addition, you will learn how to present yourself successfully in the job interview.
The workshop takes place on 25 June 2024 from 4-7 p.m. … Continued
From 15-16 August 2024, the Mini-Workshop “Simulation meets AI” offered by the Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen will take place at Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Göttingen University. The workshop is particularly aimed at young researchers and doctoral students who – after potentially presenting their own work and ideas – can discuss with experts from other fields. … Continued
The IRTG 2172 PRoTECT invites you to the 3rd International Plant Immunity Symposium (IPIS 2024). The symposium takes place from Monday, 26 August 2024, to Wednesday, 28 August 2024, in Göttingen, Germany. Additionally, the first two days of the symposium will feature poster sessions.
The organizers aim to provide a platform for engaging discussions on enhancing plant resilience against various stressors and the opportunity to connect with postgraduate students, … Continued
The 21st Horizons in Molecular Biology Symposium, organized by the GGNB-students of the IMPRS for Molecular Biology program will take place from 9-12 September 2024.
More information and registration can be found here. … Continued
As of 1 March 2024, the central publication fund for Lower Saxony NiedersachsenOPEN has been launched. By participating in this fund, the SUB Göttingen now offers researchers at the University of Göttingen an expanded service for financing their Open Access publications. In particular, new funding options for monographs (including outstanding dissertations) are available. … Continued
Chancen für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen: Vernetzen Sie sich mit der Forschung in den USA!
Bis zum 1. Juni 2024 können sich deutsche Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen bei Fulbright Germany für ein Doktorandenstipendium bewerben. Es werden vier- bis sechsmonatige Forschungsprojekte an einer US-Hochschule gefördert, die zwischen dem 1. Januar 2025 und 30. Juni 2025 beginnen.
Das Stipendium finanziert Unterhaltskosten von 1.700 Euro/Monat, … Continued
The “Applied Photonics Award” of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF honours work that deals with innovative optical technologies for society and industry.
A total of three theses are honoured in the categories Bachelor, Master/Diploma and Dissertation (3000€). In addition to prize money, the winners will receive valuable career contacts in the photonics and optics industry. … Continued
Is your next presentation approaching, but you feel your presentation skills could use a boost? Do you want to captivate your audience, but find it challenging to commit to a full-day course on the topic? Then the new offering from GAUSS & GGNB might be worth to check out!
One of our alumni has published an online course on the learning platform
“Master Scientific Presentations with Structured Narratives”. … Continued
On 5 May 2024, science comes out of the labs, libraries, offices and lecture halls into the city centre of Göttingen.
Diverse research meets a diverse city at the “Science goes City” day of action in Göttingen city centre. The day is planned as an open Sunday. From 10 a.m., a stage programme with a physics and chemistry show on the market square will attract visitors to the city centre. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/03
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in June 2024 will be open from 1 April 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 April online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in June; … Continued
The new student representative of GAUSS for the next one-year term from 01 April 2024 wasappointed.
Greg Weiler, PhD student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Coumputer Science in the program Mathematical Sciences, takes over the position as GAUSS student representative.
A very big thank you for taking on this important position. … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Sung-Hui Yi, Research Scientist at Insempra.
Sung-Hui will provide insights into his role as research scientist in industry and especially about joining a start-up company after completing his PhD at the MPI-nat in the program IMPRS Molecular Biology. Join us for his interesting talk where you have afterwards the opportunity to engage in an interactive and informal discussion. … Continued
Die Göttinger Graduiertenschulen laden alle Interessierten herzlich zu einem öffentlichen Informations- und Vernetzungsevent ein, zu:
- Reflexion und Austausch über den Stand der Vernetzung im Wissenschaftsmanagement am Göttingen Campus
- Informationsaustausch über Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten für eine Karriere im Wissenschaftsmanagement
- Netzwerkpflege im Wissenschaftsmanagement bei Speis und Trank
Mit einem Impulsvortrag von Dr. … Continued
We would like to draw your attention to a Webinar on Regulatory Affairs that will take place online on 4 April 2024, 5 p.m. During this free of charge training session you can learn about the job as Regulatory Affairs Manager and what it has to offer. The webinar will be held by Dr. … Continued
There are some places for the following workshop left:
Presentation Skills for Science and Research: 05.04. & 08.04. (online via Zoom) and 29.04. & 30.04. (in Göttingen)
The 4-day workshop will cover all sites of scientific presentation: Talks, Poster presentation and Elevator talk!
If you are interested, please send an email to … Continued
We would like to draw your attention to the Lectures series “Current Topics in Biophysics and Complex Systems” which is offered by the GGNB PhD Program “Physics of Biological and Complex Systems”.
The lecture series is open to all interested Master/PhD students of the natural Sciences!
The lecture will be held in presence, … Continued
Wie kann ich besser mit Konfliktsituationen umgehen? Wann ist ein Konflikt ein Konflikt, wie entstehen Konflikte und verschärfen sich? Was sind meine Verhaltensstile im Konflikt? Was sagen mir meine Gefühle im Konflikt? – Diese Fragen werden im Kurs für alle Beschäftigten an der Universität Göttingen thematisiert.
Wann: 16.04.2024, 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr, sowie 23.05.2024, … Continued
The L’Oréal-UNESCO sponsorship programme “For Women in Science” was launched in 1998 by the Fondation L’Oréal and UNESCO to promote women in science and make them visible.
Applications for this year’s round will be possible until 30 April 2024. The German UNESCO Commission, L’Oréal Germany and the German Humboldt Network are awarding four sponsorship prizes, … Continued
auch im Namen von Frau Hanewinkel möchte ich Sie hiermit herzlich einladen, am hochschulöffentlichen Teil des Peer-Reviews im Rahmen des Diversity Re-Audits teilzunehmen. Es findet statt am 25. April 2024, 10:00 bis 11:30 Uhr, im Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa.
Das Peer-Review ist Teil des Diversity Re-Audits „Vielfalt gestalten“ des Stifterverbandes, … Continued
In case you like to listen to podcasts and want to know more about the (research) topics from Göttingen, here you find a list of podcast from our University.
On top of that, we advertised in our previous newsletters the following podcasts:
(Video) Podcast “Neuroscience and Beyond” from Göttingen
The channel is supported by the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neurosciences as well as the Cluster of Excellence Multiscale Bioimaging in Göttingen. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/02
The period of office of the current GAUSS student representatives, Leo Suchan and Jan-Wilke Henke, comes to an end soon.
We therefore invite candidates to apply for the position of the next GAUSS student representative(s) for the term of office from 01.04.2024 until 31.03.2025. In case there are no candidatees, … Continued
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in May 2024 will be open from 1 March 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 March online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in May; … Continued
From 25-28 March 2024 you can register for the GAUSS/GGNB German Language Courses via Stud-IP!
The evening classes (level A1.1 to B2) with a duration of 2 x 1,5 hours per week will run from 8 April – 5 July 2024. … Continued
You can sign up for the summer course “Scientific English for PhD Students (Intermediate and Advanced Levels)” in Stud-IP (340444) from 1-20 March 2024.
The course will most likely take place on Thursdays, 17:00-18:30h starting on 18 April (13 sessions until 18 July). The location will be announced to registered participants in due time. … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Adam Tomczak, Quality Manager at Ivoclar.
In the talk, Adam will explore the current regulatory landscape for medical devices and various roles life sciences graduates can assume in the industry.He will discuss transferable strengths of life science graduates and typical challenges they face when transitioning to those roles. … Continued
We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service workshop “Leadership Skills for Scientists” by Dr. Alexander Britz.
Advancing as a scientist, both out- as well as inside academia, comes with increased leadership responsibilities. In this interactive workshop the participants learn the essential leadership skills which are necessary to be successful as a PhD student or Postdoc and to later facilitate a successful transition to a senior position at a research institution or the dream job outside academia. … Continued
We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service online workshop “How to plan and write a competitive research proposal” by Dr. Thomas Koch.
This workshop is intended for postdoctoral researchers and late-stage PhD students who are new to the process of applying for a scientific research grant. Ideally, participants should plan to start applying for a grant within the next 6 months. … Continued
Einige Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen sehen das Wissenschaftsmanagement als eine Chance, der Wissenschaft treu zu bleiben und gleichzeitig mehr Planungssicherheit zu bekommen. Andere Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen haben den Bereich Wissenschaftsmanagement noch gar nicht ins Blickfeld möglicher Karrierewege genommen. Beide Gruppen wissen jedoch in der Regel wenig über dieses Berufsfeld, dessen Anforderungen und langfristigen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Alle, die gern mehr darüber erfahren möchten und sich fragen, … Continued
Just a small reminder, that the full DATAETHICS e-training, which consists of 4 e-courses, has been launched. The approximate time required for the completion of the course, including assignments, is ~10 hours.
- DATAETHICS 1 “Ethical Considerations in Interpretation and Handling of Biomedical Big Data”
- DATAETHICS 2 “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine”
- DATAETHICS 3 “Big Data,
… Continued
We would like to inform you that the module directory of the cross-faculty key competencies for the summer semester 2024 is now available on the key competency pages of the University of Göttingen (
On these pages you will find the module handbook with an overview of the decentrally offered interdisciplinary and interdepartmental key competence modules as well as the offerings of central institutions of the University of Göttingen. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
… Continued
Dear Open Science enthusiasts,
we are pleased to announce that our next OS GOE Meet-up will offer an introduction to science slamming – taking the perspective of Open Science into account.
Date: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 13-16.30 o’clock
Venue: Digital Creative Space (Campus Library, ground floor)
Topic: Open Science Slam Workshop
Registration via:
We’d love to read from you in case you have any comments or wishes – … Continued
The NEURIZONS 2024 organization team invites you to the 11th International NEURIZONS 2024 Conference, taking place from 21 – 24 May 2024 at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (Campus Faßberg).
NEURIZONS is a place where graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and principal investigators gather to listen to renowned speakers from various scientific fields and discuss a wide range of topics within the fascinating field of Neuroscience. … Continued
Is it your goal to become a good scientist? Would you like to learn about the applicable rules of good research practice in general and find out which rules apply at the University of Göttingen? Are you looking for input to reflect on the importance of the rules of good research practice for your own PhD project? … Continued
In June 2024 the Faculty of Physics will again offer two courses on “Leadership Excellence in the Knowledge Society” with lecturer Silvie Klein-Franke.
From 11-12 June 2024 there will be a 2-day course in English (full day, approx. 8:30 am – 5 pm) and from 13-14 June 2024, … Continued
With the PROMOS program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), universities can set their own priorities for student mobility abroad. If you start a study-related stay abroad between 01.07. and the end of 2024, you can apply for a PROMOS scholarship until 31 March 2024.
Projects eligble for assistance are:
- study trips for students (1 –
… Continued
With the Stockmeyer Science Award, the Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation honors practicable approaches and application-oriented research that contribute to improve food safety and consumer protection, and to enhance consumer confidence in the quality and safety of food products.
The prize is aimed at scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the above-mentioned field and is endowed with 10.000 €. … Continued
Presenting your own research in an entertaining way for 10 minutes – this is a science slam aimed primarily at a non-specialist and non-scientific audience. This format has been held in Göttingen for many years. If you would like to try your hand at being a slammer, this is your chance:
During the Student Information Days on 12 March 2024, … Continued
Save the date! In the basic exhibition of the Forum Wissen you can ask questions such as: How is knowledge actually created? Who is involved and what is actually used to create this knowledge?
The exhibition is never in a permanent state because, like science itself, it is constantly changing. To make the exhibition as accessible as possible, … Continued
On 5 May 2024, science comes out of the labs, libraries, offices and lecture halls into the city centre of Göttingen.
Diverse research meets a diverse city at the “Science goes City” day of action in Göttingen city centre. The day is planned as an open Sunday. From 10 a.m., a stage programme with a physics and chemistry show on the market square will attract visitors to the city centre. … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued
Newsletter 2024/01
The registration for methods and professional skills courses held in April 2024 will be open from 1 February 2024. Please check the updated overviews of Methods and Professional Skills courses.
You can register from 1-20 February online via Stud.IP for courses taking place in April; … Continued
The period of office of the current GAUSS student representatives, Leo Suchan and Jan-Wilke Henke, comes to an end soon.
We therefore invite candidates to apply for the position of the next GAUSS student representative(s) for the term of office from 01.04.2024 until 31.03.2025.
You have ideas on how to improve the PhD experience of all students in GAUSS and are passionate about bringing forward and discussing changes? … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Mandy Mong-Quyen Mai from CSL Plasma, Göttingen. Further information will follow soon.
Mandy will provide insights into her field of work, sharing her personal experiences and perspectives. Following her talk, you will have the opportunity to engage in an interactive and informal discussion. … Continued
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Adam Tomczak, Quality Manager at Ivoclar.
In the talk, Adam will explore the current regulatory landscape for medical devices and various roles life sciences graduates can assume in the industry.He will discuss transferable strengths of life science graduates and typical challenges they face when transitioning to those roles. … Continued
Until the end of January, you have the opportunity to take part in the survey „Ihre Perspektive zählt – Your voice matters!“.
Please take the opportunity to tell us your perspective on the social climate, diversity and discrimination at the University of Göttingen.
You will find the link to participate and a reminder email in your inbox of your students email account. … Continued
—English version below—
Warum ist es wichtig, wählen zu gehen?
Der Personalrat ist die Interessensvertretung der Arbeitnehmenden. Eine hohe Wahlbeteiligung gibt dem Personalrat ein starkes Mandat sich für die Interessen ihrer Wähler*innen einzusetzen.
Was ist der Personalrat?
Der Personalrat ist ein Gremium von gewählten Arbeitnehmenden in einer Dienststelle des öffentlichen Dienstes (wie eine Universität), … Continued
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), starting now, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills.
What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
On 22 February 2024 the 5th Start-Up Day der Life Science Factory will take place. The event is aimed at founders, people interested in founding a company, scientists, investors and network partners. To mark the event’s 5th anniversary, 5 programme highlights will provide an insight into the past and future. The event offers space for exchange and networking. … Continued
On Wednesday, 7 February 2024, from 4 – 7 p.m. the Career Service of the Student and Academic Services in cooperation with Techniker Krankenkasse and Hesse/Schrader offers an Assesment Centre Training. During this course, you will find out what happens during an AC and what will be expected of you. You will also become familiar with typical tasks and tests and receive knowledgeable feedback on your behaviour. … Continued
The 9th Max Planck Symposium for Alumni and Early Career Researchers is taking place from 27-28 June 2024, exclusively onsite at the Harnack House and Garden in Berlin.
The topic suggested by the Max Planck Alumni Association “The future of education around the world” will gather renowned experts amongst alumni who thrive to foster educational equality in the light of global crises and who will be presenting their careers in fields that aim to do just that. … Continued
In den kommenden Jahren werden an den Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) eine ganze Reihe von Professuren ausgeschrieben. Vielen Akademikerinnen ist der Karriereweg einer Hochschulprofessur noch wenig bekannt. Professorinnen der HAWK informieren Sie über das vielfältige Berufsbild, die Rahmenbedingungen und Voraussetzungen für eine Berufung als Professorin und laden Sie zum Austausch ein.
Zeit & Ort: 14. … Continued
The SUB Göttingen offers an online GRO.publications training courses in English on 16 February 2024 from 10:00 – 11:30h. This training introduces GRO.publications, the publication management system of the University of Göttingen. The system can be used to manage personal publication lists, but also lists of projects, working groups and organizational units. … Continued
Am 31. Januar 2024 findet um 18:00 Uhr das erste VBIO Softskill Seminar zum Thema “Motiviationsboost für Promovierende: Strategien gegen Motivationstiefs” statt. Gehalten wird das Seminar von Dr. Franka Schröder (Systemische Business Coach, LinkedIn).
Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle, die bereits mitten in einem Motivationstief stecken und die, … Continued
The registration for the second European Physical Society (EPS) Forum 2024 is now open!
The EPS Forum will take place in the Henry Ford Building of Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Germany between 25 and 27 of March 2024.
Students are invited to register for a reduced rate of 25€, … Continued
Have you written an outstanding dissertation and are you very keen to explain your research findings in a clear and comprehensible manner to a large number of people, including those not familiar with your subject? Then write an article about your work and enter it into the competition for the KlarText Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Sciences. … Continued
The DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award of DAGM (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung e.V.) honors an outstanding dissertation successfully completed in the preceding year in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing, machine vision, and machine learning. Prize money: 2,500 euros
Applications can be submitted with the application form by 30 April 2024 to … Continued
Together with the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) annually awards a prize for an outstanding dissertation: the GI dissertation prize.
The dissertation must be in computer science. This includes not only work that represents progress for computer science, … Continued
Annually the Körber Foundation is awarding the “Deutsche Studienpreis” for outstanding dissertations (magna or summa cum laude) in all disciplines.
In addition to scientific excellence a specific significance for the society is of particular importance. However, the focus is not necessarily lying on the economic exploitability but on the macrosocial benefit of scientific results. … Continued
Minerva Schools are intended to bring together young Israeli and German scientists through conferences and workshops. The Schools are orientated particularly towards PhD-students and post-doctoral researchers and aim at enabling first contacts, scientific exchange as well as interaction with select senior scientists. In both countries, the participants should come from different institutions. In addition to the Israeli and German participants, … Continued
The Fast Forward Science competition, which is endowed with a total of €23,000, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband and has been held annually since 2013. Passion for research, for innovative multimedia formats and for communication – the Fast Forward Science competition honors people who are not only passionate about science themselves, … Continued
Dear PhD students,
Are you currently in the beginning or final phase of your PhD (first or presumably last 6 months of the PhD)?
Help give early career researchers a voice and take part in the “IPaWi – Individual Pathways in Science” study!
In this study, … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued