Workshops and Events
We would like to inform you that the module directory of the cross-faculty key competencies for the summer semester 2025 is now available on the key competency pages of the University of Göttingen (
On these pages you will find the module handbook with an overview of the decentrally offered interdisciplinary and interdepartmental key competence modules as well as the offerings of central institutions of the University of Göttingen. … Continued
From 3-7 March 2025 the “Introductory Week for International Students” organized by the Team of the International Office in Göttingen is taking place online via Zoom.
You can find all welcome offers for new international students for the summer semester 2025 in the flyer provided:
On 10 April 2025 from 12:00 h, … Continued
The GMP Academy is offering virtual courses in German and in English:
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The Young Entrepreneurs in Science powered by the Falling Walls Foundation offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? … Continued
Boehringer Ingelheim is hosting a series of webinars to promote the different career paths available within the company. Dive into Research & Development with Boehringer Ingelheim’s “Meet Our Scientists” webinar series. Understand industry processes, explore career paths, and experience the work culture. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore your future in the pharmaceutical industry! … Continued
Der soziale Hintergrund spielt im deutschen Hochschulsystem eine wichtige Rolle und hat auch einen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine Promotion. Familiäre Erwartungen und die persönliche Sozialisation prägen unsere Entscheidungen und haben damit auch Einfluss auf unsere Promotion. Häufig sind uns diese Zusammenhänge und Verbindungen jedoch gar nicht präsent, sondern wirken vielmehr versteckt und unbewusst. … Continued
The jobvector career day is Europe´s biggest career fair for Natural Scientists, Physicians, Engineers, and Computer Scientists where you can receive valuable information for a successful career! Be inspired by talks of top companies and recruiters. Seize your chance and personally contact them at the fair!
Companies & organizations from IT, … Continued
A University publication fund can cover costs for open access journals, but the options for publishing grow ever more complex every year. This makes it hard for researchers to maintain an overview, even though publishing is key to their career. This training will give you an overview of the current options and answers your questions.
The SUB Göttingen is organising monthly online information events on new offers for publishing open access. … Continued
This course is designed for researchers and scientists from the University of Göttingen, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), and the Max Planck Society who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities through the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Participants will explore how AI can assist in analyzing large datasets, automating routine tasks, and improving literature research and organization. … Continued
What is the current state of Open Science in psychology at Göttingen campus and more broadly? How widely are Open Science practices adopted, and where do challenges remain?
To explore these questions, the Open Science Meet-Up (OSMU) Göttingen and the Göttingen Open Source and Science Initiative of Psychology (GOSSIP) invite you to “Open Science in Psychology: A reality check” … Continued
Einige Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen sehen das Wissenschaftsmanagement als eine Chance, der Wissenschaft treu zu bleiben und gleichzeitig mehr Planungssicherheit zu bekommen. Andere Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen haben den Bereich Wissenschaftsmanagement noch gar nicht ins Blickfeld möglicher Karrierewege genommen. Beide Gruppen wissen jedoch in der Regel wenig über dieses Berufsfeld, dessen Anforderungen und langfristigen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Alle, die gern mehr darüber erfahren möchten und sich fragen, … Continued
Funding & Prizes
Every year, Körber-Stiftung presents the German Thesis Award to the best of young German researchers. In total the prizes are worth more than €100,000 for significant and innovative research, including three top prizes of €25,000 each. This makes the German Thesis Award one of the most highly endowed prizes awarded to young scientists in the country. … Continued
For Women in Science Germany promotes female early-career scientists working in Germany each year with an award worth 25,000 Euros. In Germany, the partners are the German Commission for UNESCO, L’Oréal Deutschland and the German Humboldt Network. In an innovative tripartite partnership, these partners are committed to promoting excellent female scientists in Germany. … Continued
The Department of Science and Technology at the French ambassy in Berlin supports German-French cooperations in research and innovation. Doctoral students and postdocs currently working at a German university or research institution are welcome to apply for a mobility grant to spend three months working at a French institution.
The stay must begin between 1 May and 31 December 2025. … Continued
The Fast Forward Science competition, which is endowed with a total of €9,000, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband and has been held annually since 2013. Passion for research, for innovative multimedia formats and for communication – the Fast Forward Science competition honors people who are not only passionate about science themselves, … Continued
With the Stockmeyer Science Award, the Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation honors practicable approaches and application-oriented research that contribute to improve food safety and consumer protection, and to enhance consumer confidence in the quality and safety of food products.
The prize is aimed at scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the above-mentioned field and is endowed with 10.000 €. … Continued
Permanent Articles
In accordance with the PersDatO (privacy regulations of the University), as of January 2024, GAUSS (incl. GGNB) will switch to using the student e-mail address (… for all communication with doctoral students.
All doctoral students have been informed prior to the change, and are already asked to regularly check their student e-mail or preferably integrate it in their e-mail client. … Continued
The programme of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of “Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies” for doctoral students.
With six modules, it forms a mixed form of clearly prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms and test questions. … Continued
In educating and training junior scientists, the University is aiming to ensure the prevention of scientific misconduct, offer advice, help investigating cases of suspected violation of rules, and arbitrate cases of unclear authorship or other disputes.
Thus, in accordance with the binding GAUSS doctoral degree regulations of the math-nat. Faculties (§6 (2)) all doctoral students have to attend an official seminar on Good Scientific Practice (ideally) in the first year of their PhD. … Continued
The Centre for Statistics of the University of Göttingen offers courses and consulting services in statistical questions for all Göttingen PhD students.
The service comprises in particular consultation on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference.
If you are interested in 1-to-1 statistical consulting or further information about the service please follow this link. … Continued
Important rules for course registration. … Continued
Do you know, that each GAUSS PhD-program has its own student representative(s)?
If not, you can find all representatives listed on the GAUSS webpage.
For each program, at least one program representative is appointed for a term of office of one year – reappointment is possible. The program representatives represent the doctoral students of their program at the annual meeting with the GAUSS Board. … Continued
Every GAUSS PhD student is affiliated with the University of Göttingen through their membership in one of the GAUSS porgrams and their mandatory matriculation at the University. No matter if you are pursuing your PhD at a department or institution of the University, the Göttingen Campus (MPI, DPZ,…) or external. The affiliation to the University of Göttingen has to be stated in every publication in that a GAUSS doctoral student is listed as an author! … Continued
Scholarships for doctoral students in all disciplines are awarded by the following foundations. Information on the scholarship providers and the application requirements can be found via the links.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung … Continued
We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs.
A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), … Continued
Every student is eligible to apply for a GAUSS emergency scholarship as long as this would help to finalize the doctoral research. … Continued
Since January 2021 the GAUSS Office sends automatic emails out of the GAUSS database to remind you of your next scheduled Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting and the approaching thesis submission deadline (in GGNB such reminder emails already exist for a long time).
As you know at least three TAC meetings and progress reports are mandatory during your doctoral studies within GAUSS (see RerNat-O 2018). … Continued
In case you are in need for professional help with personal/private/mental health problems. … Continued
The newest edition (2022) of the information brochure “An Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice” is available in English as well as in German.The brochure offers employees of the University and the University Medical Center guidance by formulating central standards of good scientific practice and explaining the ombuds system and its procedural paths at the University of Göttingen in a simple form. … Continued
Do you want to learn to program in Python but don’t know how to start?
The Gipp Lab and CIDAS have created a free YouTube course with short videos (2-10 minutes each) that teach you the basics of the Python programming language.
The 7 lessons will be published separately weekly on the CIDAS YouTube channel as well as within the OpenILIAS self-learning platform:
▶️ YouTube:
📖 ILIAS Course: … Continued
Online course on Data Visualisation in English by SUB.
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualisation forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way.
The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Continued