Stockmeyer Science Award (apply until 31 May 2025)
With the Stockmeyer Science Award, the Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation honors practicable approaches and application-oriented research that contribute to improve food safety and consumer protection, and to enhance consumer confidence in the quality and safety of food products.
The prize is aimed at scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the above-mentioned field and is endowed with 10.000 €. It is awarded for individual scientific achievements such as doctoral theses and post-doctoral dissertations as well as publications in scientifically recognized journals that have been produced in the last three years.
Routine achievements in teaching, continuing education, science organization and science policy, cumulative long-term achievements as well as work that has already been awarded a prize, will not be considered.
Your complete application materials as an individual or as a working group (1. Cover letter, 2. curriculum vitae, 3. abstract of the paper – maximum two pages, 4. research paper) are due by 31 May 2025 as one coherent, password-protected PDF file by email to The password can be obtained from Ms. Margret Riewenherm.
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