Event: “Open Science in Psychology: A reality check” (24 Mar 2025)
What is the current state of Open Science in psychology at Göttingen campus and more broadly? How widely are Open Science practices adopted, and where do challenges remain?
To explore these questions, the Open Science Meet-Up (OSMU) Göttingen and the Göttingen Open Source and Science Initiative of Psychology (GOSSIP) invite you to “Open Science in Psychology: A reality check” on 24 March 2025 from 1pm to 4pm in room 1.110 at the Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute for Psychology (Goßlerstr. 14).
Researchers and students from other research areas are very welcome to join the discussion!
In case you would like to contribute to the session in form of a short show & tell presentation (5 – 7 minutes), please let the organizers know.
To register please use this link: https://events.gwdg.de/event/1065/. A more detailed invitation with the final program will be shared at the beginning of March.
Contact: Dr. Birgit Schmidt