New seminar: “Quantum Matter – Superconductivity, exotic quantum Hall and correlated insulators” (start: 21 Oct 2024)
In the winter semester 2024/25 Dr. Batuhan Kalkan and Dr. Martin Statz will offer a new seminar series on ”Quantum Matter -Superconductivity, exotic quantum Hall and correlated insulators”, which is particularly suited for Master and PhD students interested in condensed matter physics.
The seminar has started on Monday, 21 October 2024 from 4 to 6 pm in SR5 (C.02.101) in the physics building and will continue to take place on a weekly basis at the same time.
Matter in which measurable properties are determined by quantum effects are a fascinating field at the forefront of research. Especially the materials class of van-der-Waals materials has revolutionized our understanding of such effects in the recent years. In this seminar, you will study recent literature covering the fundamentals of van-der-Waals materials but also recent discoveries of magnetism, topological phases, superconductivity in these materials. You will self-study literature and present one topic in a 45 min presentation.
The seminar will give a detailed insight on advanced topics of quantum condensed matter physics and how to experimentally measure quantum matter. The following topics will be discussed:
– Quantum Hall effects (fractional, anomalous, …)
– Topological insulators, Berry phase, Berry Curvature, Chern numbers
– Mott insulators, Charge density waves, Wigner crystals
– Superconductivity
– Moire physics
Contact: Dr. Batuhan Kalkan and Dr. Martin Statz.