DTG Young Talent Award (deadline: 15 Sep 2024)

Since 2009 the Deutsche Thermoelektrik-Gesellschaft is presenting the Young Talent Award for the best submitted thesis in the field of thermoelectrics. Submissions should not be significantly older than one year. Dissertations, diploma and master’s theses as well as outstanding bachelor’s theses that cover at least one subfield of thermoelectrics can be submitted, including theory, material development, measurement technology, material and module technology, system engineering and/or applications of thermoelectrics.

Scientific and technological originality and inventiveness, which lead to new solutions or applications, are essential criteria and the prize is worth 1.000 €. Theses can be in English or German but the short summary must be in German.

More information (in German): https://thermoelektrik.info/nachwuchspreis-der-dtg/

Deadline: 15 September 2024