Online modules on effective scientific presentations

Is your next presentation approaching, but you feel your presentation skills could use a boost? Do you want to captivate your audience, but find it challenging to commit to a full-day course on the topic? Then the new offering from GAUSS & GGNB might be worth to check out!

One of our alumni has published an online course on the learning platform

Master Scientific Presentations with Structured Narratives”.

This course provides tips and practical examples for planning, structuring, designing, and delivering research presentations. However, the course goes beyond classical recommendations for effective communication, but also teaches how to structure a research project from the ground up. You will discover that a clear presentation begins with the thoughtful design of your experiments. This course is designed to build your skills as both a presenter and a scientist. 

If you are interested in taking the course, simply send an email to We will promptly send you an access link, allowing you to sign up for the course free of charge. With permanent access you can work through the course at your own time and pace, even rewatch content at a later time. Due to the flexible time management of the course, no credits can be awarded for participation.

Because this is the first time, GAUSS & GGNB offer an online course, we will ask for your feedback (probably via a short survey). Thereby, we want to evaluate whether this new course format is suitable and interesting for our PhD students and whether it should be offered in the long term.