“Dr.mobil.” handcart rental for graduation ceremony

Anyone who has lived in Göttingen for a while will be familiar with the colourfully decorated and sometimes rather loud handcarts in which newly graduated doctoral students are pulled through the city centre to the market square.
The Alumni Göttingen have thought of a possibility to give this old tradition a new twist. Their “Dr. mobil.” is more than just a cart that you can use for your graduation ceremony: It is a small place of remembrance that can evolve over time and thus become a joint product of Göttingen’s alumni.
They are offering the cart free of charge to all alumni and alumnae of the University of Göttingen for their graduation ceremonies. The cart can usually be picked up Mondays – Thursdays from 9:00-13:00 at Wilhelmsplatz 2. It must be returned no later than the next working day. A deposit of 50,-€ in cash for the hire has to be made.
Also, feel free to give a small donation for the use of the Dr.mobil. As a thank you, you can immortalise your name on the Dr.mobil with a soldering iron. The money will be used for the further development of the cart for future users.
More information: https://www.alumni-goettingen.de/drmobil/?lang=us
Contact: Lucas Frederik Garske (info@alumni-goettingen.de)