GAUSS Career Impulse Session with Dr. Adam Tomczak (Quality Manager at Ivoclar): “Introduction to quality management and regulatory affairs in medical devices as career options” (8 Mar 2024, in-person!)
We’re happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Impulse Session, this time with Dr. Adam Tomczak, Quality Manager at Ivoclar.
In the talk, Adam will explore the current regulatory landscape for medical devices and various roles life sciences graduates can assume in the industry.He will discuss transferable strengths of life science graduates and typical challenges they face when transitioning to those roles.
- Date: Friday, 8 March 2024
- Time: 14:00-15:30 (appr.)
- Location: North campus
- Registration: To sign up please send an email to
About the speaker: Adam worked on ion channel structure and biophysics during his PhD. After graduation, he transitioned to medical devices industry. His first role focused on international registrations of a dental implant system. With his second role, the focus shifted to quality management systems. Currently I’m responsible for the quality and regulatory side of the Multibrand strategy at Ivoclar.
About the sessions: Our Career Impulse Sessions offer a platform for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics for PhD students and postdocs in the Life and Natural Sciences. By inviting PhD holders with different career paths, we would like to illustrate the broad range of potential careers for PhD students and postdocs and give inspiration for career choices.