Week of Methods 2024

The next interdisciplinary Week of Methods will take place in presence at the Historical Observatory and the adjacent Conference Centre by the Observatory September 09th – 12th, 2024. … Weiterlesen
The next interdisciplinary Week of Methods will take place in presence at the Historical Observatory and the adjacent Conference Centre by the Observatory September 09th – 12th, 2024. … Weiterlesen
The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
This course gives an overview over some core principles of Statistics. It is best suited for beginners and those who would like to refresh their knowledge about Statistics for their PhD.The course will cover the following topics:
• Overview on data formats• Summary statistics• Introduction to R and R Studio• Basic graphical visualization• The idea of statistical inference• Statistical testing and analysis of variance (ANOVA)The course will take place on 19th of August, … Weiterlesen
This course is tailored to raise participants’ awareness of potential security and ethical challenges during research stays abroad and how they are intertwined. Although those challenges are very context-specific, the course provides participants with toolkits for better planning and reflection as well as knowledge about the relevant support structure.The course can also help PhD candidates to prepare their own research project or “field research” stay. … Weiterlesen
In this workshop, we will, on the one hand, discuss important requirements for developing powerful English sentences, paragraphs, and texts that meet the expectations of readers, reviewers, and editors alike. On the other hand, we are going to work closely with your own work in progress in order to practice how to effectively organize the writing process and how to successfully prepare your papers for publication.In particular, … Weiterlesen
Dieser Online-Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit in der Promotionsphase die Positionierung der Dissertation, die Arbeitsstrukturen und das Zeitmanagement sowie das weitere Forschungsumfeld der Dissertation realistisch zu reflektieren und den Promotionsprozess neu zu fokussieren.Themen, die im Workshop behandelt werden: Welche Ziele sind erreicht und welche Arbeitsschritte und Herausforderungen stehen an? Welches Zeit- und Arbeitsmanagement wurde bisher angewendet und mit welchem Erfolg? … Weiterlesen
In order to provide a better overview of the various options for training and qualification for you as doctoral candidates at Göttingen campus, the qualification portal for PhD students has been supplemented by courses of other providers at Göttingen Campus. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences provides support measures and scholarships for PhD students of social sciences. At the moment GGG offers new support for your qualification and networking activities. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) has launched a low-threshold support of self-designed courses and networks. Since you have the best overview of what will advance you in terms of content, you can expand your knowledge in a self-organized way: Design your own course or peer group network according to your needs and those of your fellow PhD students. … Weiterlesen
PhD students from abroad need to take into account a wide range of information. GGG compiled an overview website for different stages and topics that international doctoral candidates face during their doctoral studies in general and with their arrival in Göttingen in particular. … Weiterlesen
Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes? Can you explain your research to a group of lay people – in English? Then this is something for you! … Weiterlesen
The University of Göttingen has successfully passed the re-audit „Shaping Diversity“ by the Stifterverband. This is confirmed by the final report on the peer review, which took place on April 25 with the committed participation of students and diversity stakeholders. The university can now carry the re-audit certificate until 2027. … Weiterlesen
The Alumni Association of the University of Göttingen offers: … Weiterlesen
Anlässlich des 12. bundesweiten Diversity-Tages 2024 organisieren Universität, Stadt und Landkreis Göttingen gemeinsam eine Veranstaltungsreihe zu nicht-sichtbaren Beeinträchtigungen und Diskriminierung in der Arbeitswelt. In ihrem Einführungsvortrag stellt Prof. Mathilde Niehaus (Universität zu Köln) mit „Sag ich’s?!“ einen Selbsttest vor, der Beschäftigten mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen dabei hilft zu erkennen, was dafür und was dagegen spricht, die eigene Beeinträchtigung am Arbeitsplatz offen zu legen. … Weiterlesen
On August 15th 2024, the fifth and probably the last call within the programme “Career promotion of female scientists“ will start. The programme addresses individual requirements of young female scientists. It supports projects or activities that significantly improve the chances of reaching the next career stage. … Weiterlesen
Der Stiftungsfonds Martin-Buber-Gesellschaft der Forschungsstipendiat/innen – eine Initiative der Hebräischen Universität und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) – vergibt bis zu 8 Stipendien an Postdoktorand/innen, die in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften forschen (ausgenommen Jura und Wirtschaftswissenschaften). Jede/r Stipendiat/in erhält ein großzügiges Stipendium sowie einen Mietzuschuss und ist eingeladen, zum 01.10.2025 nach Jerusalem umzuziehen. Das Forschungsprojekt muss keinen expliziten Bezug zu jüdischen Studien oder zu Israel haben. … Weiterlesen
Would you like to accompany and supervise a small group of interested students in all phases of the research process, while also pursuing your own research interests and developing your skills in research-oriented teaching? … Weiterlesen
If you have any ideas or wishes concerning our services, please let us know. … … Weiterlesen
This newsletter is published four times a year. It is available for PhD students and supervisors of social sciences, and all interested persons. The newsletter can be found online. The next newsletter will be published on November 05, 2024. … Weiterlesen
First of all, we would like to welcome you! As Graduate School of Social Sciences, we will use our best endeavor to be a supportive companion during your PhD. Here we provide information for PhD students who have just started doing their PhD or joined GGG only recently. This section is mainly intended for newcomers but holds useful information for experienced PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen
If you like to know more about our qualification program, support measures, and consulting offers, or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. … Weiterlesen