SAVE THE DATE: 20th Week of Methods 06.-09.10.2025

We are already looking forward to this year’s anniversary Week of Methods. The GGG and the Week of Methods are turning 20 years old. In addition to the regular program of three and a half days of intensive workshops, there will therefore be an extensive supporting program and special treats for the participants.

We are delighted that the Federal Constitutional Court judge and former GGG board member Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld will be giving a keynote speech.

As in previous years, the core of the Methods Week will be 3,5-day parallel workshops. The following workshops are planned for 2025:

The supporting program invites all participants to in-depth discussions and informal exchange. In addition to the traditional guided tour through the historical observatory followed by a BBQ on Tuesday evening, two networking lunches are planned: a get-to-know-each-other lunch for participants on Monday and an alumni lunch on Wednesday.

You can find more information here: