Lets Write: Collaborative Writing Time (13./20./23./30.06. & 21.07.2025)
This structured online writing time is designed to support doctoral researchers in focused work on their dissertation projects (whether monograph or compilation thesis).
Do you sometimes struggle with motivation when writing alone at your desk? Or find it hard to concentrate and stay focused on the writing process? This collaborative writing event with fellow doctoral researchers can be a great way to boost motivation and jumpstart your writing. Join us for a collaborative writing session! Each session lasts three hours and takes place weekly for one month.
Each writing session begins with a brief introduction to a writing method or tip. Participants are then paired to discuss their goals for the upcoming session. Afterward, everyone works independently on their own writing projects. A writing coach will be available for brief consultations throughout the session. The event concludes with participants reflecting on their progress and discussing their goals again in pairs. A short check-out wraps up the meeting.
Instructors: Andrea Adams and Sven Arnold
Writing times (writing time sessions do not build on each other and can be booked separately.):
Friday, 13.06.2025, 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 (registration deadline: 11.06.25)
Friday, 20.06.2025, 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 (registration deadline: 18.06.25)
Monday, 23.06.2025, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (registration deadline: 19.06.25)
Monday, 30.06.2025, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (registration deadline: 26.06.25)
Kick-off-workshop for writing groups (prior participation in a writing time session required):
Monday, 21.07.2025, time t.b.a.
Venue: online
Credits: 0 ECTS
For details visit: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/692112.html