Navigating Difficult Seas: Professional Communication and Conflict Management (06.03./13.03./20.03./03.04.2025)

Communication and conflict competences are key elements of professionalism and important factors for personal and professional success. This online workshop supports participants in advocating their own positions as well as role- or project-related positions in conflictual situations.

Typical areas of conflict in academia are, for example, the structure and dynamic of supervisory relationships, working conditions, the attribution of authorships for joint publications and the definition of research fields vis-à-vis (former) supervisors.

How can a clear position be combined with a respectful attitude in challenging situations? The seminar offers participants an initial insight into professional negotiation and conflict resolution as well as the opportunity to try out specific situations and develop effective strategies in a playful way.

Module 1: Basics of communication and conflicts (definition, types of conflict, conflict participants, escalation stages, typical conflicts in the doctoral phase), Basic strategies for dealing with conflicts

Module 2: Conflict management in 6 steps: Recognition, diagnosis, hypothesis development, goal setting, action strategies, evaluation

Module 3: Communication in conflict (holding conflict discussions, active listening, addressing critical points)

Module 4: Self-management in conflict and dealing with emotions (self-regulation and strategies for emotionalized situations)

Instructor: Dr. Neela Enke


06.03., 13.03., 20.03., 03.04.2025

9 a.m. – 1 p.m. each

(The workshop consists of four sessions/modules.)

Venue: online (Zoom)

Credits: 2

For details visit: